
Topic: Baldur's Gate 3

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@VoiceWithin1991 I'm curious. What does "too much inclusion" mean? Which characters would you have excluded and why?



Removed - offensive remarks



@VoiceWithin1991 I'm just so disappointed that you weren't joking. I've already sent a screen grabs of your earlier reply to several of my friends who are all (at this very minute) wetting themselves with laughter, convinced that you're a satirical genius. Damn.



@VoiceWithin1991 As I inferred, I'm only disappointed that you're not the brilliant and subtle satirical comedian that I thought you were - the fault is entirely my own. Have a super day!

Edited on by LN78



@VoiceWithin1991 Well in my "fantastical made up world" it's time for me to go to work, fun as this has been there's only so much "truth" that one can handle before their morning cornflakes. Good work on not "lashing out" by the way. You're truly an inspiration to us all.



"I really do hope you find the help you so desperately and obviously need." Because I thought you were a clown posing as a bigoted sociopath? Fair enough, I suppose. I'll look into it.



Hey @LN78, thanks for making us aware of this 🙏 Just letting you know I've removed one of yours only because it quoted an offensive (now also deleted) comment




A lovely derailing of the thread this morning. Fantastic.

Anyway, I was back to my evil co-op playthrough yesterday evening for a couple hours. Not much was achieved admittedly but we did finally get to the Underdark and we'll get to exploring there on our next session. It was small progress, but progress nonetheless.

"A corpse... should be left well alone. Oh, I know very well. How the secrets beckon so sweetly. Only an honest death will cure you now. Liberate you, from your wild curiosity." - Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower.

PSN: KairuDoes


@Ravix My Halsin story consisted of saving him, he waited at camp but wasn't quite ready to join the full team and then one time i returned to camp and he was just dead on the floor. No idea what happened to him, so just looted him and carried on

Can't think of anything good to put here just yet, watch this space...

PSN: Headthrob


@Throb haha why am I not surprised. No idea why he'd just die, though 🤣🤣 are you sure you didn't kill him too 👀 I imagine if you didn't do his quest he'd just get frustrated and go and be a bear in the wild or something. But maybe he killed himself out of shame of not lifting the shadow curse? 😅

"Happy almost-birthday" - Forspoken GotY


@Ravix Sounds like your Fireworks Factory went way worse than the one I reloaded. I got lucky I think as no-one outside the building got involved.
On my first try I split SH and Karlach from the group and left them up the hill slightly and just took Astarian in with my tav (I guessed this meant player character but had to google why a while back). We invisi-sneaked up to the third floor and kicked things off. Basically I got confused when some of the enemies suddenly ran back downstairs and discovered they were going after SH & K outside despite them being completely out of view and separate from the group. I did a couple of turns but didn't fight back as SH & K as the guards were close. Seeing as it had got so messy I just decided to restart as I had quick saved before going in. The second time I got K to shut the metal door by the stairs and stand by it and SH by the main door which I shut. Although the main downstairs guy still threw an explosive which blew all the doors off I managed to keep the fighting contained inside without the guards doing anything. However, the second I tried to loot a body after the fight (on the top floor) I got the cutscene bit of being spotted by a guard! So in the end, seeing as the quest was classed as complete, I left the top floor unsearched/un-looted.
Having read bits online about the quest spilling into the surrounding area (as it seems yours did) it sounds like that quest could do with some tweaking about what can and can't be seen/alerted. I wonder if there is a less destructive way of completing it but it certainly doesn't look like it by checking online.

I managed to find the newspaper quest today but in a different way it seems. I released I had walked into the printing office when first entering the Lower City area but had just had a quick look and left again. This time I spoke to someone down on the main floor
He told how he was going to print a story tomorrow of how it was my fault all the refugees (who were absolutes) had flooded the city. He wouldn't tell me his source of why he thought this and then threw me out. So yeah I now have to find out how to stop the press.
Haven't figured out how I'm going to do that yet but I did the Hag quest today and got that cool rapier.
Which is great as I had been rocking the same sword since SH had pulled it out of a stone in the Underdark all the way back in Act 1. That was the toughest fight I've had in a while though.
I was happy I managed to kill the hag without killing any of the 'mask wearers'. However, after the fight the real pub captain had removed her mask and was fine but the others were still wearing theirs and were just crying about the hag. I couldn't figure out a way to get them to take it off as it should be safe with the Hag dead.
Oh yeah and after telling Mayrina the good news, I persuaded her to let her zombie husband go and got the cutscene of her breaking the wand and him dissolving, but after the cutscene was over he was still standing there in the room 😄


PSN: leejon5


@BearsEatBeets oh, god. The hag fight.

I actually enjoyed it, but before I had triggered the mask wearers, thinking I had to go over in that area, and I spent so much effort keeping them only knocked out. Then went on to the hag, I was holding on in clutch time after an epic fight, and my Tav was way over the other side of the room, and the 3 bonus hags and the hag all cast insect plague and went invisible, in a weird last stand for them, and then I remembered I had an arrow of teleportation (can't remember the actual name) so I fired it across the room, teleported, and that revealed the invisible real hag once more due to my special eye, and was about to make the kill, remembered I needed to use the 'hag grenade' (it was late and I nearly completely forgot as combat had initiated before any dialgue with hag, as I randomly shot a mushroom, and I assume I would have had the option to use the potion via dialgue lol) released the kid, and then struck the final blow.

But after all that I went to wake up the pirates, and they were impossible to wake up. So they are just knocked out forever, I guess as I wasn't going to redo everything lol

As for the newspaper, I can turn invisible and lock pick, which helps. I used a misty step scroll to start my plan of action, though. But I won't give any more tips unless you ask lol.

A weird thing about the hag, it didn't go as I expected story wise, as I'd found notes and letters in her initial hut that mentioned she had a sister in Baldurs Gate, but it wasn't the sister. Maybe they changed the direction of the quest and forgot to remove the letters, or maybe there is another hiding in human form still 😅

Edited on by Ravix

"Happy almost-birthday" - Forspoken GotY


New patch is out. And now shadowheart won't follow my main character in the group on any save. The game autosaved before the counting House last time. And when I loaded in, she won't move. Go back to an old save, same thing. So it's not anything I've done since any part of the game, it's simply since the patch came out on all saves.

Great 🤦‍♀️


I had Karlach shove her into the ocean, and then I revived the glowing orb. And she now follows again. Hopefully this is has fixed it? If anyone else is having the issue. But if it's on every save, I can't imagine how this will fix it long term? We shall see

Edited on by Ravix

"Happy almost-birthday" - Forspoken GotY


@Ravix I've got the exact same problem since the update. I thought it was cool that the patch resolves the 2 minor bugs I mentioned just the over day but yeah it seems to have broken SH. If I switch to her I can move around and everyone follows and she does everything fine in turn based mode but when free-roaming she just doesn't move. When I searched online I could find some mention of similar issues but no solutions, most simply explaining how grouping/ungrouping the party works.

I did a little bit, finding and freeing Florrick and then a little uncovering more of the lower city map but decided as it wasn't a lot I would try reloading a previous save when SH was working but like yourself she was suddenly broken then too.
I've not played again yet but will try your method of killing and reviving and hope it works.

I noticed the quest marker for the Hag was off to the side so ignored the masked people and sneaked straight to her room. It went straight to dialogue and I threw the vomit potion as soon as combat started. So got the cutscene of the kid being puked up and watched it run off as it went back to the start of combat. Unfortunately it meant all the masked peps were suddenly in the room and fighting as well, with me not wanting to hurt them. Other than the occasional hold spell I basically decided to ignore them and focus on the mushrooms and the hag(s). I don't have the special eye from Volo but thankfully had a few see invisible potions otherwise it would have been even worse. I discovered after a few rounds of turns that the kid hadn't completely run to safety either but was cowering in a corner so I had SH give them Sanctuary just to be safe.
Yeah I got the paper quest done. At first I went to long rest after the Hag battle and forgot about it so it suddenly came up I hadn't done it and the bad story was published. So I decided to reload before sleeping and seeing if I could get it done. (I don't reload very often, honest)
I can't do invisibility on my Tav without potions/scrolls but thankfully had quite a few and did the quest solo. Flew to the roof and down what ended up being the elevator shaft and invisi-sneaked the rest of the way. Did you free the pixie from the lamp and get a helpful 'press' too? I was a tad concerned as I hadn't found a good article lightly searching on the way in and only had a couple of potions left but thankfully another search of the room found the good one in the basket.

I'm going to let the bad article run when I do a more morally corrupt run through someday just to see how the populace reacts.

🤞your method works for SH when I next play.


PSN: leejon5


@BearsEatBeets I ended up playing for a few hours last night, made some new saves since and checked reloading them too, and it seemed fixed. Very strange. I'm not going to load any of theprevious ones though, and I usually delete old saves after a while, which is quite refreshing, knowing my decisions are locked in 😁 it must just be something that happens when you load a save from the old patch, but on the new patch, or something. I imagine it must have affected a lot of people, as the only option on a first use of a new patch is to use your current saves, unless it happens to be a new game.

I'm just glad there was an area right next to the Counting House with a broken guard rail in front of a big drop to the water (although first shove she actually landed on a small dock and survived, which was quite funny 😁 I had to jump down and push her again into the water) as a shove into a void seems to fix other character bugs, so thought I'd try it.

I was exploring the Counting House for Jaheira, rather than randomly, although I had a good loot of all the vaults on the way for good measure, and I'm now quite rich. I also have about 1000 paintings that I must sell one day, I was hoping for a way to decorate somewhere when I first started grabbing them tbh 😅 but I can now be a big city art thief/dealer, I guess.

Did the vault fight, the idiot bank manager walked into Jaheira's Cloud Kill, so he died 😅 but he seemed like a d*ck anyway.

I then respecced from Bard/Fighter to Bard/Rogue as I've not been using second wind, and sneak attack is probably better than a once per rest action surge. But I will still be a roaming front line fighter with my sword bard, just I can make much better use of my greater invisibility with sneak attacks and +whatever number stealth bonus I get from rogue, and really boost my damage output, along with getting even more bonus actions for more situations. I can now do a full bonus attack via the Rapier, or hide, dash, use a quickened encantation like hold person, confusion, hypnotic pattern, greater invisibility, all after making my main attacks. So I can either rush in, attack/attack attack/cast and then use a bonus action to turn invisible or cripple an enemy with another spell, and go around wrecking people, or start range stealth, teleport in, and then go on the attack with my rapier, but also control areas at any moment with an action or bonus action. Which seems just about perfect for my all action Tav.

Also, and very handily, Karlach's blood is now explosive...


"Happy almost-birthday" - Forspoken GotY


@Ravix I managed to do a couple of hours a little while ago and started by loading my most recent quicksave a bit after freeing Florrick. When it loaded I turned the camera to notice SH walking up to the group from the shop I had left her in just round the corner. So tried moving around and she was following again. Super pleased, I fast travelled to Lower City Center and after walking a bit realised she was standing still back where landed again. I also noticed she had switched to her camp outfit! So considering what you said I walked her down to the coast next to the mansion below the fireworks factory (still haven't had a snoop for anything interesting in there yet). I noticed there was a small wall so out of curiosity I checked what would happen if she jumped over and it said death. So I had her commit suicide into the sea. At the cost of a revive scroll and a couple of potions she was back and most importantly was following again so thanks for the tip.

Played for a bit uncovering the lower coast. Finally found and rescued Volo again. Got an outside look at the Steel Watch foundry and discovered a sneaky way in but left that for later. Also found some sexy dressed sea worshipping people and got a quest to kill a sea beast. Also found a building higher up which the journal has suggested may contain the Artist I saved in act 1. Plus noticed another bridge which I assume could lead to the Upper city maybe (how big is this game?)

Oh yeah and I forgot to mention last time I also thought when I found the hag hunters it was going to be a sister. Also I have no understanding of what the ring you get of the Hag's body actually does, the touchpad inspection doesn't explain it much like most things. I've given it Gale and will try and see what it does.

I started as Rogue as I wanted to be able to lockpick/disarm easily and leaned a bit into charm too. I've kind of tried to build my character to be super useful in conversations and out of combat and I quite enjoy playing this way even if my own character might be the least potent in battle out of my party. Managed to persuade Thorm's brother to basically let his nurses kill him and the toll collector to kill themselves in Act 2.
Just hit level twelve a couple of days ago and I've finished as a 10 Rogue/2 Ranger. I split around level seven to up my armour options and bow proficiency. I think I'm going to try a bard on my next playthrough. I've kept all the other companions dedicated to their main class so I have never had any bards in the party and missed out on playing instruments. I considered taking a perk in it but wanted other perks more.
I had my first fight with that rapier saving Volo and it's certainly made my Tav more potent too.


PSN: leejon5


@BearsEatBeets I think you've seen more of the city than me now. I've been exploring the same (what feels like a third of the total city) area for a while, making sure to get everything I want. Not played it much recently, but last time I cleared the murder quest up to the point I want to, and I'll leave that on the back burner for a final confrontation, I guess.

As the city sort of hit water in the lower west section of the map, I'm guessing I'll follow the outskirts around next time to scout out the steel watch foundry too. Maybe head to find

Minsc in the undercity, as that is what I was following with Jaheira when I got re-sidetracked with the murder quest

But then I think I'll focus on the Shadowheart thread, Astarion, and maybe the Orphic hammer too. I guess I've got to find Ravenguard as well, I don't think it's marked on the map, so I'll just explore more. And obviously there's city based side quests too, so still so much to do. Which is making act 3 the longest act, I think 😁😁

Glad the bug fixed for you too.

Just remembered I've got to count the clown parts I've collected haha. Not sure if I've got them all yet, I sent them to camp.

And that hag reward, I think it's for Sorcerers with Wild Magic trait, so it probably won't do anything for Gale.

"Happy almost-birthday" - Forspoken GotY


@Ravix Sounds like you may have paused on the murder quest at the same point I have. Despite finding/stopping the murderer I still have a quest marker for one of the victims on the map. Maybe it will clear once the final section is done.
While I've probably unearthed more of the city, some of it is just a quick look to see what's there without digging too much (similar to what I did with the newspaper).

I've completed the Minsc stuff but won't say anymore on that. Think I've done most of that Undercity but I have just remembered I have a skull to find down there.

I've found the building for Astarion's quest so could do that soon. At the moment I've no clue where the Orphic hammer is, where SH's quest continues (although she recognised a bit of graffiti in the city she did as a child) and like you, have no clue where Ravenguard is. He's certainly not in the same jail Florrick was.

I've got one bit of Clown to find (according to the log), but they seem to be in completely random places. I think eventually I'm going to have to explore every building in the city.

I managed a little bit today before the sports kicked off. Did the Artist building and have discovered it has a connection to the one near the firework factory. Curious how it could have played out if I had explored there first.
I also found a house that belongs to one of the companions so looking forward to going back when they are in my party.

I'll probably just sell that ring then. I must admit there is quite a lot of equipment that seems only useful in a very specific situation, or very precise character but I suppose it gives you more to sell. Although I've reached a point where I have 17k sitting in the camp chest.😁


PSN: leejon5


@BearsEatBeets okay. So you know you said about the sea monster lol. I stumbled across a part of that quest in a different way (breaking in to a building I thought might be worth breaking in to, as i recognised the name on it...) and let's just say, the sea monster is only a tiny fraction of that quest you found and it turns into something much bigger and unrelated lol.

It may have taken me about 2 hours to get through what it will lead you to, so be warned 😅😅😅😅

Needless to say, I ended up doing pretty much everything, saving all I could, in quite an impressive way (eventually) and the only bad thing was my actual character was one inch, literally one inch from making it too... but I ended up dead on a beach. That's all I'll say 🤣🤣🤣

Thank the gods for revival scrolls 🙏🙏🙏

This game, and how quests can randomly kick off depending on how you act, and still be intertwined with about 4 other quests at the same time still amazes me.

I very much need to long rest now 😁😁😁

"Happy almost-birthday" - Forspoken GotY


@Ravix yeah my Artist quest sent me to that other mansion, then searching for some other peeps around the city then back down to sewers (helped me find that skull) before picking a side, then back to the first building to conclude. Happy enough with how it played out and now have an extra lead for the Hammer.
Then I discovered the place for the next part of SH's quest so I thought I'd do it as everyone was full health after a short rest and only a few spell slots used.
Lets just say it's felt like it's been quite a while since any fight has been that taxing and this one wiped my party in 3 turns 😬.
I was going to finish soon anyway so shut it down. I'm going to have to have a good think about how I'm going do that one. I pretty much had my 'A' squad too.


PSN: leejon5

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