
Topic: Baldur's Gate 3

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@Bentleyma yep. The early part of the game when even a wolf could kick your ass was the best, though. Generally, that’s how these games go and I expect the same with BG3 really.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87 yeah, I really hope Baldur’s Gate 3 has that same sense of danger and adventure. I shall be starting it tomorrow and I have a week off to play it. Unfortunately I’m co-oping it with my brother, so I won’t be able to binge it nonstop.


PSN: Bentleyma-


I imagine while a lot will still kick your butt, I think it’ll be a bit less brutal than early BG1, if for nothing other than the fact that BG3 is proper DnD combat, not a horrific bastardization of it that makes everything harder than it needs to be and forced the rules completely out of their proper design.
I do think a proper sense of danger will be important and present though.



Today is the day everyone! Can't wait to hear all the stories of your characters. Hopefully my lore bard will vicious mockery his way to saving himself and those around him. Enjoy and good luck all!



Having never played the series, is it a continuous storyline, completely separate from other entries, or a loose connection between the three?



@Thrillho have not played it yet, but going off of what I've seen, it is loosely based on the past.

There are a few characters from the old games that are either cameos or possible recruitable characters.

Sorry can't seem to spoiler tag

Edited on by Elodin



@Elodin You had the start of it right by putting the spoiler tag thing at the beginning, but then you also have to put [/spoiler] at the end of whatever you are trying to hide.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


Just been to the cinema to watch The Equaliser 3, now skipping home to play this! Not back at work until next Saturday!


PSN: Bentleyma-


Soooooo, yeah, I’ve picked this up. Will dive into it later this evening once I get the true ending in Armored Core VI.

"A corpse... should be left well alone. Oh, I know very well. How the secrets beckon so sweetly. Only an honest death will cure you now. Liberate you, from your wild curiosity." - Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower.

PSN: KairuDoes


Anyone else having sound issues? Playing co-op with my brother and the sound has completely gone for both of us.


PSN: Bentleyma-


If anyone is getting any HDR or visual issues, it took me ages to find a fix but if you do, go to your PS5 settings and HDR calibration. On the last of the three calibration options, go to the lowest black setting then press brighter once. Restart the game and it should look better

Can't think of anything good to put here just yet, watch this space...

PSN: Headthrob


@Bentleyma no sound issues for Me. I did get stuck in a bashing object choice, but I was able to jump out of it. Very early, but quite impressed. Both mine and my coop with my daughters game are going well.



@Throb thanks for the tip. I did have to adjust mine as well and yes more dark was needed. It starts you at a bit of a washed out look. At least for my tv.



This game is fantastic, I was a bit wary because I have never played any before and I was also bored to tears with Diablo IV. This game has some of the best character models, voice acting and emotions in every word. The amount to take in with the UI is a bit overwhelming at the moment but I cannot fault the game itself, it's incredible

Can't think of anything good to put here just yet, watch this space...

PSN: Headthrob


This game has really impressed me so far. I played it with my brother for the last 6 hours and we both felt like we did a lot, but at the same time didn’t do a lot. That’s mostly because the world is so interesting to explore that we spent a lot of time just wandering around and chatting to the locals. I wasn’t sure if it would have the same sense of adventure as the previous games and I’m happy to say it does.

Edited on by Bentleyma


PSN: Bentleyma-


I played this for a few hours last night. I spent ages deciding on which race, class etc. to go with but I eventually settled on a Rogue Half-Elf which has a focus on stealth and deception. Been enjoying the game so far. I was a bit worried I wouldn't get on well with the combat as I'm not overly keen on turn-based systems but I seem to be doing fine with it so far.

Looking forward to exploring and discovering more in the game!

"A corpse... should be left well alone. Oh, I know very well. How the secrets beckon so sweetly. Only an honest death will cure you now. Liberate you, from your wild curiosity." - Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower.

PSN: KairuDoes


@KAIRU I think this game has shown many people that turn-based combat isn't necessarily a bad thing. I know there's a big subset out there that will frown upon any game with turn-based combat, but I think most of them just think of that style in the sense of your typical JRPG. In which case I would probably agree with them, as any time I've tried a JRPG with turn-based combat I've found it highly repetitive and boring. It's good that Baldur's Gate is now showing those people (through being so immensely popular it's breaking beyond its genre's fanbase) that there's more than one type of turn-based out there, and this type I'm way more fond of personally as well. I'm not saying you yourself are part of this group necessarily, because you might be way more acquainted with turn-based systems than this group, but I do think it's true for many.



@KAIRU @Tjuz I’m loving this game so far, but for me the combat is the part I’m enjoying the least. I enjoy turn-based combat when it comes to JRPG’s, but this style of turn-based combat has never gelled with me. I don’t hate it, but I wouldn’t exactly say I like it either. I just try and get through as many situations as I can without resorting to fighting.


PSN: Bentleyma-

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