
Topic: Baldur's Gate 3

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@Lavalera thank you. Good to know. I tend to save a lot out of habit, even if I never end up needing the saves for any reason, just to avoid huge progress loss. My trusty fantasy RPG mantra is 'save before cave' which basically can translate to make a hard save before you do anything that might take a while and some other saves on the way, and that helps incase you need a compelte way out if you mess up with your inventory, weapons, items etc, and need to rethink what to take for that section.

I see nothing wrong with seeing different outcomes, I'll try and avoid that myself as much as possible, as I'm going to try to RP it as much as I can, and I want some bad outcomes to add to the journey, and ill try to do stuff that my character would do, rather than just me wanting to help everyone and see everything regardless of if it makes sense for my character. But sometimes these games do not exactly make it clear what one chosen response actually leads your character to do lol.

Combat it might be handy with, just to see what actual spells and actions do, as I have no idea. But hopefully I can experiment encounter to encounter to learn that stuff.

"Happy almost-birthday" - Forspoken GotY


@Elodin thank you for the response 😄

In terms of advancing a character, what would the main differences be between picking a Lore Bard and a Valour Bard, for example?

I was thinking valour for having proficiency with a martial weapon I.e a Rapier and I guess survivability, but I also noticed "inherited feature" 'proficiency with a rapier' in the Lore Bard as well as being a separate feature from martial weapons in the valour Bard too.

And how do the proficiencies scale, or are they just a set thing where once you have them, you get an attack bonus, defence bonus etc?

Haha I used to love A-Team re-runs. And looking back it does seem like they were a proper d&d style party, and the more I learn about d&d the more obvious it seems 🤣

Edit: I think I'm ruling out valour now, it's not exactly what I thought it was, and survivability increase is because of shields, and I don't think I'll be using a shield, it doesn't fit. So maybe change to the biggest differences between Lore and Sword Bard?

Edited on by Ravix

"Happy almost-birthday" - Forspoken GotY


@Ravix To put it simply, Lore bard is more caster focused and swords bard is more melee focused. You can also multiclass either to make them fit your needs as well. Generally only multiclass 1 to 2 lvls into something else. For me s Lore, I mainly stand back, buff and debuff and duo hand crossbows. Lore will also be a bit better and skill checks and magic secrets is a pick any spell option they get. Swords ironically is also good as a ranger using their slashing skill from a distance with bows is quite strong. Hope that helps and isn't too confusing.

Edited on by Elodin



I’ve made some headway but stopped to smell the roses a little tonight and understand some of the systems a bit better, a couple of hours messing around in the menus but things are making more sense now.

Also I figured out long holding up gets out the torch, and a single press is a hot button for jump, which helps lol. Oh, and hold down for stealth

Edited on by kyleforrester87


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87 Which button is it to Spread Jam?

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Cheers @Elodin partially confusing, but I'll get there. It's mostly because all classes, terms and systems are new to me, so I'm just working it out as best I can before starting on my journey and getting completely overwhelmed.

Most importantly, other than getting the game, (which I've had to force myself not to buy a few times already this week, as if I do I will download it, and if I download it I will start it, and if I start it I will never, ever finish FF16) I think I've got my name down 😅 I'm leaning towards some kind of half-elf sword bard, which I'm assuming will be pretty darn agile on top of being poetic and charismatic. But I'll have a good look before I finally lock in whether to go Lore instead.

I wish there was a feature for multiple names, so you could have an Elven name, a translated name and a stage name 😁 because Splendiferous Silverblood, known to his people as Ysblenydd Gwaed-Arian, and to his fans as The Splendid Silver-Blood needs all the recognition he can get 😁

Or Silver Tongue 🤦‍♂️ but that would require some acrobatic headcanon to why silvertongue is a family name, I suppose 👀

Edited on by Ravix

"Happy almost-birthday" - Forspoken GotY


Playing as a drow seems really interesting too. It appears that Larian has put a lot of effort into races via dialogue choices etc

Would a Seldarine Drow Bard (or some sort of half elf variant) with penchant for rapiers, sneaking, charming and swindling be a good build? 👀

Edited on by Ravix

"Happy almost-birthday" - Forspoken GotY


There was a BG3 update a few days ago. Since then, whenever I play the game, I get a PS5 overheating error. Even after half an hour. This does not happen with any other game. I know we have a heatwave in the UK at the moment but this is very odd. Has anyone else experienced this or know of it?

Can't think of anything good to put here just yet, watch this space...

PSN: Headthrob


@Throb I’ve had it a couple times. I don’t think it happened during gameplay though. It happened once on the levelling up screen but I’ve tried to replicate what I thought was the cause of the issue but I haven’t had any problems since.

"A corpse... should be left well alone. Oh, I know very well. How the secrets beckon so sweetly. Only an honest death will cure you now. Liberate you, from your wild curiosity." - Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower.

PSN: KairuDoes


@Throb @KAIRU there were reports of this for FF16 too, but I think that was performance mode only.

What graphics setting/fps have you got for BG3? As switching to the other might be a temporary fix. Also seen people saying an extra fan is helping, so maybe when the weather gets back to normal the issue goes with it 🤞

I was about to check out the character creator, but I'm now a little nervous, as there's no save within that and I don't want to do half an hour of miniscule edits and then have it crash on me 🤣

Edited on by Ravix

"Happy almost-birthday" - Forspoken GotY


@KAIRU @Ravix I've got mine on the 60 FPS setting. I've just been playing COD for 2 hours and nothing. I think they need to patch something?

On a different note, this game is bloody hard! I turned it down to Explorer and it's hard as nails

Can't think of anything good to put here just yet, watch this space...

PSN: Headthrob


Any got a full RP backstory down for their character outside of the provided mini blurb and traits etc. I'd love to hear them? 😄

"Happy almost-birthday" - Forspoken GotY


@Ravix If you’ve heard of the ‘Modern Rogue’ YouTube channel (which I highly recommend checking out), that’s basically mine in a nutshell.

The ultimate gentleman (woman, in my Rogue’s case), warrior and scoundrel.

Edited on by KAIRU

"A corpse... should be left well alone. Oh, I know very well. How the secrets beckon so sweetly. Only an honest death will cure you now. Liberate you, from your wild curiosity." - Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower.

PSN: KairuDoes


I havent heard of that, but I can kind of guess at how that plays out based on other media etc. @KAIRU I settled on wood half-elf Bard. In my headcanon, I Started off as a pickpocket in the city surviving any way I can, because as a child my mother was murdered as she covered my escape, by thugs sent by my father, no less. He had realised she hadn't abandoned me like they had agreed, you see and he was some kind of military leader, who can't be seen as having Elven b*stards lol. Moved on to hustling and performing to get away from the low level crime bosses etc etc, not a bad person but have the skills required to hustle, deceive and charm. The usual street kid making their way into a better place type thing. Skills: Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Deception, Performance and Pursuasion. Which seem like a fun to play mix. Usual bardy attributes 16 DEX 17 CHA, but I added more wisdom and less intelligence, as that seemed more like street smarts. (May that bite me later on)

Then when I finished the character creation, I realised that you had to pick a "guardian" and that guardian is now the spitting image of my wood elf mother, so I'm excited to see what headcanon twists and turns that could bring about 🤣

I'm going to RP the hell out of this game, but hopefully from now on, using Larians own writing 😁 and sinply making choices based on my loose idea of how my character would exist in this world and situation.

Money well spent already, I say 🤣

Edited on by Ravix

"Happy almost-birthday" - Forspoken GotY


@Ravix Yeah, truthfully, I didn’t actually put that much thought into the backstory and lore of my character in the beginning. I might do it for future ones though, as I do have a few ideas floating around in my head. 😅

"A corpse... should be left well alone. Oh, I know very well. How the secrets beckon so sweetly. Only an honest death will cure you now. Liberate you, from your wild curiosity." - Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower.

PSN: KairuDoes


@KAIRU when in rome/RPG 😆 I can't help it. Although I've already pulled a brain out, which wasn't very me, but I'm blaming the parasite, for now 🤣

"Happy almost-birthday" - Forspoken GotY


@Ravix My RP background is very similar to yours. Half elf bard. He is good when he can be, but survived on stealing and having a natural violin talent to get by. His smart mouth has been a cause of many fisticuffs as well. His biggest downfall is he hates Goblins. What got him into his predicament was Goblins raided and killed his parents when they were in a caravan going from city to city. He was young, but still felt guilty for hiding and not helping save his family. Now whenever he sees goblin, he immediately attacks regardless of outcome. He has always been curious and grown fond of any knowledge he can find. He is a collector of books and one day hopes to open a library that can match even the great Candlekeep. I roleplayall my decisions off of this. Quite fun so far.

Edited on by Elodin



Just had to download an update, maybe it's a fix for the overheat??? My son has been playing Goat Sim 3 for hours and no message came up, so fingers crossed

Can't think of anything good to put here just yet, watch this space...

PSN: Headthrob


@Throb had zero issues on BG3 today, got the update today also (not read patch notes) I've been using quality mode for now, just incase that helped too. And it's running fine for me at that fps, so not needed to up that to performance yet to test that out.

Game looks great also, much better than I thought it would, and better than stuff I've seen on YouTube.

It gets in your head like a parasite too, watching some NFL and i'm thinking about selling all the loot I've collected so far and doing some exploring xD

"Happy almost-birthday" - Forspoken GotY

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