
Topic: Brightness Level

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Hi all. Just wondering what brightness level you are all using? Do you leave it at the same level for all games or change it up depending on what you are playing? Cheers.



Ususally I leave it as is but it depends if I can see anything. If I'm in a dark area and can't see anything, brightness goes up.

"A corpse... should be left well alone. Oh, I know very well. How the secrets beckon so sweetly. Only an honest death will cure you now. Liberate you, from your wild curiosity." - Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower.

PSN: KairuDoes


@KAIRU Thanks. I think I might turn mines down just a bit and see how I get on.



@Discol76 Yeah, do what works for you! Pretty much every game has a brightness slider in their respective options menus nowadays so you're never really going to be stuck with one brightness setting.

"A corpse... should be left well alone. Oh, I know very well. How the secrets beckon so sweetly. Only an honest death will cure you now. Liberate you, from your wild curiosity." - Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower.

PSN: KairuDoes


Thanks for the advice



If anything I sometime like to turn the brigthness down. I dont think there is an overstatement that this can sometimes improve the visuals of the game. But yeah guess that also depends on the display you are using.



Thanks @BubbleMan Really informative answer. Appreciated

Edited on by Discol76



I agree with some of your points, mainly pancake lenses and the light shield. You're obviously more knowledgeable than me when it comes to VR but the single cable doesn't bother me at all so far and the extra ooomp it provides by being tethered is worth it for me. I may use a 1 metre extender and see if I can use ceiling hooks. Those earbuds might be on my shopping list also. Again thanks for your valuable insight. 👌

Edited on by Discol76



I just leave it at 100%. I find everything pops more than way. I'm pretty good with motion blur issues and they don't bother me much. I played around with it in Village and found it was just better looking at 100%, so I've left everything on 100%.
Also, since headphones were brought up, I just use my Turtle Beach Stealth 700 Gen 2 Max headphones that I use for everything else. PSVR2 works just fine with a dongle you plug into the PS5. Get something you can use for all of your gaming is what I say for headphones.



Cheers @Jaz007 I need a new headset so I'll take your suggestion into consideration.



For me it all depends on the game. For Resident Evil Village I go 100% to take full advantage of the HDR effect, it comes alive at that setting, but you do sacrifice motion clarity. But you can't crank it too low because the HDR effect gets destroyed and there's a ton of black crushing.

For games like Moss Book 2, i leave it at 0, Vacation Simulator's Beach section maybe 25-50%.

It's just too bad Sony couldn't give you motion retina clarity(Which is sub 1ms, like Quest 2) with much higher brightness. You can't have it both ways in regards to brightness and great motion unfortunately.

Plus, if we got pancake lenses, the image would of been sharper/clearer, the sweet spot would of been big, with clearer peripheral vision, plus allowed Sony to slim down the front visor. Would be nice if they eliminated the OLED Mura, glare and god rays with a future revision 2 as well, plus ring-less controllers and a wireless to PS5 connection. All of the above, with a great line up of compelling VRified 3rd party titles would boost sales dramatically. Who wouldn't love a Resident Evil 3 Remake VR, Astro Bot 2, Ocean Descent 2, Dead Space Remake, Bioshock Infinite, heck port over the 3DS version of Shovel Knight for crying out loud. The list goes on and on.

Anyways, Resident Evil 4 Remake VR mode is on the way this holiday, I'm beyond hyped for this. RE:Village is what i consider 'next level' entertainment. It's one of those big OMFG next gen experiences that made me feel like a kid again. Flatscreen gaming can't even compete anymore in terms of wow factor. Not much room left for growth, and the days of being blown away by next generational leaps in power + innovation are long gone.

Edited on by NeonPizza



The single cable will bother the vast majority though. I know good and well why it's not selling. People want that 'in and out' experience, convenience and that sleek compact form factor which does not apply to PSVR2, at all. It's two steps forward and one or two steps back.

It's tethered(red Flag), has a bulky front visor, giant cumbersome rings that wrap about the controller, and it's fresnel lenses small sweet spot prevent that near instant in and out experience due to having to tinker and adjust the headset until you get it just right. At this point, due to some of it's glaringly bad design and feature decisions, i don't think even the upcoming Resident EVil 4 Remake, potential Astro Bot 2 and then some will make that much of an impact or boost in headset sales.

Sony needs a revision for 2024 if they want sales to dramatically(here's hoping) increase. Quest 3 mostly does everything better but it's weaker horse power prevents experiences like RE: Village & RE4 from being achievable.

PS VR2 '2024' revision >

Wireless to PS5 connection
slim front visor
ring-less VR controllers
Pancake lenses
Improved Silicone visor
Padding around the nose for better comfort
Improved OLED display or even LCD + Advanced local dimming
Unique VR2 Eco system

Plus a solid flow of VR-ified 3rd party heavy hitters that people are actually interested

Resident Evil 4: VR Mode
Astro Bot 2
Ocean Descent 2
Resident Evil 3 VR mode
Dead Space Remake VR
Shovel Knight 3D
Bioshock Infinite VR
Mega Man VR
God of War VR

They're just throwing all of this potential, and half baking everything. Meh, Nintendo will be the ones to make VR succeed. If build on top of what Quest 3 did and then some, and released a Mario Kart 9 VR, Pokemon Snap VR, Metroid Prime 4 VR, etc etc, they would make VR an absolute smash hit.

Edited on by NeonPizza


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