Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5 PlayStation

Just yesterday, we brought you news of a secret ninja room in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 that had been fueling DLC speculation, specifically a theory that it might somehow feature Matt Murdoch, AKA Daredevil. Since then, Insomniac has skewered a key piece of evidence via the game's latest patch before taking to Twitter to gloat about it.

The theory largely hinged on a plaque (pictured below), present in Marvel's Spider-Man and Miles Morales, that was conspicuously left blank in Spider-Man 2 and noticed by eagle-eyed fans. When IGN asked director Brian Intihar about this, he said: "That's a good question. Stay tuned. Good find, though."

Well, Intihar turned around and passed that one along to the team, who corrected what was apparently just a mistake and not a Machiavellian scheme to introduce more of the MCU. He even had the audacity to take to Twitter and poke fun at the entire fair, which we can't help but respect:

Does this mean the Daredevil thing is well and truly dead? What about the ninja armoury? Is it just a simple easter egg? Let us know in the comments section below.

[source, via]