
Topic: Disco Elysium

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@suikoden When you insert the disc, there might be a button on the home screen (like next to the "Play" button or something) or you might need to look up the game's page on the store and the upgrade should be one of the available versions. I don't have this particular game but that's how it worked for a couple others.



@Thrillho Hey friend! Good suggestion bringing it over here.

I went back to Joyce and started talking about Martinaise and the Jamais Vu thought opened up. I'm not entirely sure how I missed it before or if I did something different.

I neglected the thought cabinet for so long and have just started using points to expand it, I definitely should have been doing it from the beginning, perhaps on the next playthrough.

Edited on by AgentCooper


@AgentCooper Ha, how have made it so far without the thought cabinet?? It does a good job of opening up even more random quirks for your character which normally unlock through conversations or steering your character in a certain direction. I seem to remember they all (or mostly?) have a second level too which can either negate skill point losses from the first level or the first level might generally be a negative effect with the second level being the true goal.

They do open up more dialogue options and I specifically remember one of finger guns which allowed for some fun dialogue options



@Thrillho I’m guilty of looking at it and thinking that’s all bit much and oh gosh look at those penalties! I’ll come back later. Pretty foolish as now I’m investing time in them it is opening up new dialogue and the like, the possibilities are ridiculous. If I can remember I’ll make a note of the current ones later. Even though I’m not at the end (I think) I’m already doing my own thought experiments about how I’ll approach the next playthrough.

I’m currently shuffling around the coast looking for Ruby I keep getting sidetracked though so my playthrough is approaching 40 hours. This is the way!

Edited on by AgentCooper


@AgentCooper oh god, there is so much to do in the game but loads of stuff that I assume comes out differently (or progresses at all) depending on skill checks. The long side mission that sort of explains the name of the game is particularly great!

I have to admit that I used the wiki when it came to the thought cabinet to make sure that the first or second tier were worth pursuing. I had a full set of thoughts by the end though and with the Jamais vu one in particular had a solid build. So many variations you can go for though and I’m sure there are plenty I never even found.

This is the sort of thread that makes me want to replay the game sooner rather than later though



@AgentCooper You can savescum if that’s your bag as, unlike some games, it does generally seem to be that the dice is rolled for the check when you do it and not pre-determined. That said, some failures are more interesting than the passes and the occasional lucky break can be a great feeling!

Can’t say I’ve played anything like it before but it has quite the overlap of things from different games. It’s probably one of the most true role playing games though as you can wild with how you want your guy to be.



@AgentCooper How is your run coming on so far?

As I said in the game club thread, I’m onto day 4 and have picked up all the main leads from the first area and ploughing on with things across the river.

The body is still hanging there though



@Thrillho Evening friend! I had a wee break to play Alan Wake but I’m back to it. I hit a bit of a dead zone initially as I needed to put skill points in to shivers and I was seriously scratching around for xp, any open quests were pretty much resolved or locked out for me.

I’ve now made some quick progress and I’m currently interviewing the deserter on the island who is a great character but I can’t gauge how it is going to play out which is something I really like about the game, depending on your build it could realistically go anywhere. The stand off was a weird one, it feels like something more akin to your current build would fare much better than my Harrier trying to intellectually flex out of everything.

A lot of people died and I got seriously injured but Kim was a bad ass as per. I’m assuming it can play out much much differently?

it is pretty weird after taking a nap on the island I thought the game was bugged and almost reset until I realised you can go underneath the walkway, it didn’t seem obvious at first

How are you finding this run? It seems you’re making short work of things and I’m itching to try ignoring the body and go about things completely differently too. Have you hit any major roadblocks with this build?



@AgentCooper I see you've completed the game now! How did you feel the case went for you overall? The wrap up at the end is pretty neat I thought.

The tribunal can go loads of different ways. I think at least two deaths are baked in but others can be negated. I think the amount of armour you have on can make a difference and your relationship with Kim is pretty key too. I'm literally at the point of having encountered Ruby (who killed herself) and just crossed the river to approach the reckoning...

I've quite enjoyed this run but I still seem to have passed most of the key checks, even on ones where my build shouldn't have allowed it. Either by getting super lucky or having kept enough skill points in the bag that I could plough them into a stat to pass what I know was a key check. So my Harry may be an ultra-liberal fascist douche bag but he's been damn good at the job.

I've been surprised at how much of the game I've remembered though and it all feels a lot smaller when you know the key places and things to do. It has been fun seeing some of the different takes on things, particularly seeing my low IQ Harry just completely ignore some stuff.

Which political ideal did you run with at the end of day 3 though? I saved beforehand so I could do two. The traditionalist/fascist one was quite funny as you realise all the "traditionalist" characters you have to talk to are all losers; Gary the cryptofascist is just a plain idiot, the lorry driver is a literal incel, and Measurehead is an utter weirdo. I reloaded to run with the ultra-liberal one which has been fun and seen me get into the locked container in the dock among other things..


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