
Topic: Disco Elysium

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@Thrillho thanks! I took a break for a couple days but did start day three. Had an interesting exchange with two mystery folks in the whirling in rags and about to inquire the chef about special borscht. I was hoping to play some more tonight as I’m looking forward to operating the lever but alas, real life has swooped in and snatched my gaming time hopefully tomorrow!

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


@nessisonett I’ve heard Cuno can become your sidekick which might be an option on my future all action, all substances, SuperstarCop!

I’m sure I’ve also seen a screenshot with Lena accompanying you but can’t seem to see if this is a thing anywhere; I guess you may see the plasmid with high purple skills are something??

Edited on by Thrillho



@Jimmer-jammer I’m still yet to figure out quite what is going on with those two people.. The game really does open up once you can cross the bridge with some fun missions on the other side!



@Thrillho Sweet! Yeah, in a world of nothing but intriguing exchanges, it has been one of the more intriguing ones.

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


I liked this game. At first I was intrigued, and then I started feeling underwhelmed - a kinda "oh this is all there is" - and then I started getting really into it more and more. I don't think I'd be throwing a ten at it if I reviewed it like a lot of places did but then I do tend to score lower so whatever.

I liked the ending quite a lot. I don't mean in a I BET YOU NEVER SAW THAT COMING way. I mean like it felt like the perfect ending for this game, and that it felt like a conclusion without ever putting a bow on the whole thing.

I also absolutely hate Cuno but I love that there's an option to punch his lights out. Stupid kid.




@johncalmc The debrief at the very end going over all the decisions you made across the whole game never fails to impress me. That’s when you truly get a sense of just how many different things the game keeps track of. I wouldn’t even want to attempt to get a handle on the underlying logic.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Not long bought this, on day 2. Really enjoying it and such a different sort of game from the norm. I have no real idea what I'm doing or if I'm doing it 'right' and I guess that's all part of it, there's no 'right' way to do it - it's just taking some time to get my head around that, usually you know exactly if you're progressing in a game.

Is there a time limit in terms of the number of days?

Only slight disappointment is the loading screens considering its on ps5, hopefully something that may improve as it gets optimised now the main bugs are sorted.
And I do think some gameplay tips/tutorial would be of benefit, I spent the first 10 mins convinced it was bugged, pressing every button and nothing happening. And no idea what's going on with the thought cabinet....

PSN: mpquikster


@MatthewJP No time limit and I think there might be a tutorial somewhere. There’s definitely a controls tab that tells you what buttons do. Remember to hold L1 as it highlights interactable objects. Walk up to them, move the right stick towards each object to select them.

The thought cabinet is this game’s take on ‘perks’. You internalise them which takes a few hours usually and then when it’s done, you gain their bonus or hit to stats and can use those thoughts in conversations, which happens automatically. You essentially construct the basis of who your character is. Do they believe in hardcore Communism? Do they know their age? Do they believe the end times are here? Internalising the thought is a way to gamify subscribing to a particular mindset.

Edited on by nessisonett

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett thanks, I think it'll take another playthrough to fully understand it all.

No time limit you say. Well the body is still hanging and I've got enough money for 2 more nights, I best get a move on...

PSN: mpquikster


OK unless I'm missing something I'm really bored now. Day 2, nothing to do. Can't sit on the bench with Kim there, constantly reading the journal to get to 9pm

PSN: mpquikster


Depending on how much you want to get into spoiler territory;

The obvious one you have must have done:
Speak to Evrart in the docks and get his little task

The obvious one to do with the case:
Examine the body as best you can.

The less obvious one with Joyce:
Attempt the skill check with her about your badge and get a task to do instead

The much less obvious one in the bookstore:
Talk to the owner about the curse and go investigate what’s behind the curtain

I think I discovered it later on but another not obvious one:
Check the windows behind the Hardie boys



@MatthewJP Have you done the Doomed Commercial Area? The harbour? Interviewed Klaasje? Found the drugs mule? Done the autopsy? The game opens up more on Day 3 but there should be plenty to do.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@Thrillho The time for subtlety has been and gone. Something truly colossal is approaching — the Gloaming. The Culling. The Bloodletting of Unimaginable Proportions.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett I look forward to my Apocalyptic run (at some point).

I realise I never even mentioned the fact I finished the game last week!



@Thrillho Ooh, what did you think of the ending? Now is the time for spoiler tags of course 😂

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@Thrillho @nessisonett thanks both. I'm obviously missing something. End of day 2 now after reading the journal constantly.

Spoke to Evrart, opened the door and now have the envelope for when I can cross the water

Body is still in the tree and I can see no way of moving that along. Failed the skill check.

Haven't really got anywhere with cuno either. Took a swing, missed, just made it up with him but seem to be back to square one.

Have a drug related task off Joyce but that hasn't seemed to have gone anywhere other than mentioning it to Evrart

Bookstore - tried and failed to get in the door out back

Smoking man sort of done for now but he ran off leaving me to chat to someone else

Edited on by MatthewJP

PSN: mpquikster


@nessisonett So, I think I got about as good an ending as I could;

It did feel a little anti-climatic that it ended up just being some nutter on the last island that did it. I guess you can miss lots of the clues through the game to absolutely pin it on him and I passed almost all checks at the end to get him to talk. I have to admit I was actually disappointed that this version of Harry managed to see the Phasmid at the end. It was unexpected and a bit out of keeping with the rest of my experience on that play through but was cool nonetheless.

The debrief at the end was cool though and, as you said elsewhere before, it was funny how it remembered so much stuff. I obviously got big brownie points for solving the case, finding the phasmid (with a picture), and sorting to just about everything else in town. I did like that Kim said I was very focused and never distracted, apart from my quest to sing karaoke! Even more bonus points for getting sober and not drinking at all in my game. Me and Kim were bestest buds so I got the trophy for him joining the team.

I didn't arrest Klassje despite everything but didn't think it was necessarily the wrong thing to do. I don't know if you did but she left a trace in her room to show where the bullet came from. I did find it funny that they say Harry was a gym teacher before (although it sounds like this is always the case) and that it explained the running around but also my characters obsession with finding the FALN gear. Kim also found it funny that I was a raging Commie but also in it for the hustle (see this image and this image)

Overall, I thought the game was fantastic and loved how much it felt like my character. The one thing I did find though was that on normal mode I acquired so much XP through tasks and having the Jamais Vu and ArtCop thoughts that I figured I'd levelled up 60 times by the end. It meant that I had so many skill points and thoughts at the end that it felt like I never had less than a 50% chance of getting any check.

For reference, this was my final build with my thought cabinet.

I guess hardcore mode makes you more tied to a build with less XP and raised skill check levels so I might give that a go with my facist, alcoholic, SuperstarCop next time!

Edited on by Thrillho



@Thrillho You honestly did a broadly identical playthrough to me, same strange mix of communism and hustling. I also didn’t arrest Klaasje but I did in a previous playthrough and... regret it.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett I imagine most people end up with a similar first run as it’s too ingrained in us to want to do it “well” and solve the case.

I’ll be intrigued to see just how much you can mess it up to be honest!


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