
Topic: Disco Elysium

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Cheers for bumping the thread @Thrillho. It sounds like a really complex and intriguing game if you ignore all the bugs. If people are sticking it out despite them then it must be good. I missed the boat on the PS+ discount so might wait to see if another discount appears before I jump in, but even so it's not a bad price.



A bit more progress for me with a couple of hours played today and I’m just into the late hours of day 1.

I met up with the union boss:
And pretty much had a breakdown over the lost gun. I also decided to not take the cash off of him. It’s quite neat that his “info” on you is based on how you played up to that point.

And I also finally got around to examining the body:
And somehow managed to pass an extremely low chance check on checking the body for something they may have missed so ended up finding the bullet lodged in his brain. I did bag the body up afterwards so have missed my chance on nicking the boots..

I got the trophies for saying enough commie replies and for gaining Kim’s trust. I do like that there’s one for solving the case without even examining the body

I didn’t realise you could only have so many thoughts as well so I’ve filled my three up already. I think you can use skill points to unlock more?



@render It’s an interesting game because it wants you to play it differently but the amount of different dialogue you hear must be INSANE as it changes so much based on so many different skills you have. And that’s without even thinking about how many different ways you can choose to play it.

Definitely one that is made to be played more than once!



@Thrillho That’s an awful lot to get done on Day 1! I was a good couple of days before meeting the union boss and getting the body down. You’re on good pace then! Also about using skill points, I’d focus on getting your thought cabinet filled first. White checks open back up if you raise a skill so you’ll be wanting as many as possible to open up at any one time.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett I’ve already got three in there; Guillaume le Million, Lonesome Long Way Home, Volumetric ***** Compressor. None of which I think are useful to my character..

I got into the harbour through Cuno’s hideout and got the body down with a gun shot that was literally a 50/50 chance. I was surprised Kim approved of that method..

I assume I must have missed out on doing something quite substantive then if it took you longer to get round to those tasks!



@Thrillho I think you might have got quite lucky with the checks to be honest, I did the same with the harbour and body but failed the harbour jump quite a few times! I also explored the Doomed Commercial Area and investigated a certain sub case at the traffic jam. You should expand the thought cabinet though, the more thoughts you have, the more potential for great dialogue and stat boosts.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett I guess the commercial area one is to do with the bookshop? I chatted with the woman who owns it but didn’t bother to trigger it (if I even could). Not sure I know about the traffic jam one either.

I think I have some skill points saved up so I’ll look at how to open up another slot; it wasn’t overly obvious when I had a quick look earlier.



@Thrillho To open a slot just highlight the space in the thought cabinet and press X, it should ask if you want to unlock it.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett Have you had an problems doing that? Sometimes it comes up with the option to forget a memory when I highlight an empty slot and try to unlock it.

The newest update (for the PS4 version) has just gone live. Seems to fix the problem with characters not having voice acting and other things too, I’m sure.


PSN: Bentleyma-


@Bentleyma- It’s a little fiddly and you have to be on the right coloured background to actually see what’s being highlighted. It’s amazing just how much easier it is to use a mouse.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


The sound mixing is fantastic using headphones. The voice acting is crystal clear and the soundtrack really is superb. Bit of rum and I’m making a night of it!

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


I'm loving it, such a great game. Currently halfway through day two. I seem to have done everything I can so might have to sit on the bench and fast forward to the evening. All the loading screens at doorways do make me wish I had a ps5 for this.



I’m just coming to end of day two and am amazed how much I’ve managed to get done.

I also hit a point where I didn’t seemingly have anything much to do and then found the two tasks @nessisonett mentioned before.

Obtaining and doing the traffic jam one is a great example of how this game works so cleverly;

The mission can only be obtained by failing the check with Joyce, and if you decide not to use your badge to get her to talk. I assume passing the check means she doesn’t give it to you.

But doing the task reveals the whole drug smuggling plot line. And with my visual calculus skill identifying and eighth person at the lynching, it’s doing that task that reveals the person with uneven shoes.

Amazing how much you can miss so easily and with no inkling that it’s even something that could be missed.

I also seem to be properly XCOM-ing some of the checks too; I got the smoking guy in the apartment block to talk (although haven’t actually done that yet) by passing a 15% likelihood check but have failed a couple of 80% ones.



Was just closing out of Cyberpunk and getting ready to go to sleep when my PS4 acted weird and wouldn't let me put it into rest mode. It hitched a little bit, and then informed me it was downloading Disco patch 1.03! Not sure what's improved yet, but these guys seem to be coming fast and furious with patches for such a small studio. Kudos!!



There are a lot of things I didn't even think to look at such as all the interacting with items in your inventory and what that can lead to. Turns out that's a pretty essential thing to keep on top of! And of course there's the thoughts you can choose to equip.

What I'm still trying to figure out is why you would equip thoughts that reduce your skill rolls and appear to make things harder. I'm guessing there's some sort of benefit that balances out the negatives.

And of course I'm starting to realise simply going with the flow and doing what your sub conscious suggests can really hinder you sometimes.

Anyone tried reading any in game books yet?

Edited on by LieutenantFatman



@LieutenantFatman Those skill drops are only temporary. Most ones with temporary skill drops can increase one or two stats to the point where it’s totally worth it. And also those thoughts influence conversations which can be useful. Like my cop is an Art Cop so constantly critiques the artistic merit of peoples’ outfits or buildings’ architecture.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


That makes sense, cheers, I might have to unlock more thought slots. On day three now.



@nessisonett @LieutenantFatman Some do drop stats permanently but the ones while you’re “thinking” are temporary. Just pick what sounds right for your character!

I’m currently doing the date of birth one which has quite a long time to go.

Edited on by Thrillho



@Thrillho Yeah, I’m doing the date of birth one too which is probably going to be my last one. Although I might drop one about essentially Scooter.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


I beat the game there and yeah, it’s still an absolute masterpiece. The Final Cut definitely made a difference, the voice acting pushed it to new heights. I have a lot of thoughts, speculation and so on based on new information that I gathered throughout the game from incredibly small and out of the way checks but I think I’ll wait until more people finish before sharing. One thing I’ll say though is I had no idea Klaasje was voiced by Dasha Nekrasova although I can’t say it’s overly surprising given ZA/UM’s affiliations.

Edited on by nessisonett

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.

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