
Topic: Games you've recently beat

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@JohnnyShoulder Yeah, I used to watch my dad play the PC a bit when I was younger but it was mostly Championship Manager or watching him be rubbish at Oblivion or Half-Life 2 šŸ˜‚

Plumbingā€™s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett My dad is like that with Fallout 4. Has must have restarted that game a dozen times at this point, only to get stuck as he can't find some kind of resource! šŸ˜‚

I tell him to go to on YouTube and search for it, but sometimes it could be days before he either gives up or works it out!

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@nessisonett Really glad to see you enjoyed Allied Assault so much. Please let me know if the second expansion is worth returning for, as I ducked out after the first.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


Finally platinumed Ghost of Tsushima. Took me 81 hours, according to the PS App. Loved, loved, loved (!) the game, but I was ready for it to be finished a bit before the credits rolled. Was never in danger of quitting, though, but I do wish these kinds of games were a tiny bit shorter. I still have the expansion to do, and I'm not burnt out enough to skip it, but it feels like there may be a danger of me not finishing the whole thing. We'll see



@FuriousMachine I came back to the DLC a little while after the main game and really enjoyed it.

The one new full armour set you get has a slightly unique ability which can help keep things a bit fresh but overall itā€™s mostly more of the same.

A beautiful new area though and a good story to it too.



As for myself, I rolled the credits for STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor yesterday.

Overall I really enjoyed it. I liked the fact that the story was set some time after the first game so it didnā€™t rely on the same group of characters in the same way.

Something that is a strength and weakness for the game is that it doesnā€™t rely on fan service as much as before so it does feel much more like itā€™s own entity but with very few moments to bring a grin to the face of even someone who isnā€™t a huge Star Wars nerd.

I did think it suffered from sending you to the same handful of planets though. Koboh is a fairly good main planet with loads of different areas but it never felt as varied as the first game and relies on lots of revisiting areas.

I did enjoy the new lightsaber stances but it was a shame they limited you to only using two at a time so I never really used a couple of them. The combat is great fun, as it should be, with a huge skill tree to play with. I just felt some of the big fights were a bit bland.

The story is strong with a good array of new friends and foes. I enjoyed the dialogue and particularly enjoyed the snippets of overheard conversation from droids and enemies which impressively never seemed to repeat themselves.

There were a few stutters in performance but nowhere near as bad as it was made out to be originally.

I look forward to seeing where they go with the franchise whenever the next instalment may be!



Hm so just beat the story mode in Spider-Man Miles Morales the ohter day and well I had a good time with the game. When I was finshed with the story I had completed the game to 85% so yeah I still have some things to do if I want to 100% completed the game. Hehe .



@FuriousMachine Excellent work on that Tsushima platinum. I folded the DLC into my first playthrough but would still agree that, even without it, the game's a touch chunkier than it needs to be (to the point where I recall taking a break from it partway through, which is something I never usually do). Which is bizarre to think about an experience that's so brilliant and so beautiful throughout. Anyway, best of luck going into the DLC. I'm sure you'll see its story through, at any rate. It's real good stuff.


@Thrillho Pretty much agreed with all of your Jedi: Survivor points up there, except for your praise of the story, which I felt was significantly weaker this time around. I'm really glad you enjoyed it, though! I keep meaning to go back and start a NG+ playthrough, to see if it just landed at a bad time for me personally. There were plenty of moments I loved (and some I really loved, particularly towards the end, after... well, I'm sure you know) so I'm wondering if it's a "me" problem. Regardless, I'm still keen to see how they're gonna round out the trilogy, same as you. Hopefully it won't be too long a wait.


@oliverp Pleased to see you enjoyed Miles Morales so much! Best of luck wrapping up that last 15% which I hope you'll equally enjoy. It's very good at making its post-story stuff feel meaningful.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger The story is a weird one. The premise is a bit weak and it does feel a bit stretched out but they manage to sustain it and keep it interesting from moment to moment.



Cocoon. A stellar puzzle game that, by its last stretch, had the gears in my brain grinding pretty hard. Itā€™s fairly short but I found it incredibly fulfilling and affecting. An absolutely brilliant concept executed to near perfection. Just need to go through it again as I missed a few moon ascenders. One of the rare games I really want that platinum for.

ā€œReason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.ā€ C.S. Lewis


@Thrillho @RogerRoger Thanks, I started it this weekend and, yes, the game is breathtakingly beautiful. This extends to the magnificent soundtrack as well (I've had both the soundtrack for the main game and the DLC on vinyl for quite some time, both of which are getting hefty rotation on the turntable ).

The new antagonist and story is interesting, so I think I'll definitely manage to see it through to its conclusion. Just acquired the new armor and I think I will give it a go. I typically suck at perfect parries/dodges, but with the increased window I might just pull it off.

@oliverp I loved Miles Morales! Perfect length for a game for me; I platinumed it, which involves playing through the story twice and that is usually something I avoid. In this case I was still ready for more when the credits rolled. Good luck with the "mop-up"



Finished up Alan Wake Remastered the other night and I enjoyed it much more than I remember doing first time around. My only gripe is I grew weary of the combat and lack of enemy variety. I made a start on the signal dlc but decided to watch a YouTube playthrough instead, Iā€™ve had my fill, donā€™t want to kill my enthusiasm for AW II. I expect Iā€™ll watch one for the Writer tonight.

Also played and platted TOEM, a lovely little palate cleanser and perfect plus game. I loved the style, humour and just plain chill photography vibes. Top stuff šŸ‘

Back to Disco Elysium, my liegeā€¦


Finished Gotham Knights and after a dodgy start, it does get really quite brilliant. The structure is fundamentally sound, being on nightly patrols while solving an ongoing case actually is more in keeping with Batman than some of the previous games heā€™s been in. I played as all 4 heroes, switching for certain sidequests while mostly playing Red Hood for the main story as (semi-spoiler) it ties into his personal story quite a lot. I also think his arc is good enough to stand as a solo adventure, proven by the final few cutscenes when I played as him. Iā€™m intrigued to see the differences between the heroesā€™ endings though, they all have their own motivations after all.

Didnā€™t play any co-op but I should be able to wrap up the platinum and dive into the free DLC too.

Also, in a very nice touch, the credits show which hero you used during each section of the game which is cool.

Edited on by nessisonett

Plumbingā€™s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@AgentCooper And a very doable platinum as well! I do wish it offered a bit more of a challenge overall but like I said, in its last stretch I was properly working the brain. Great stuff!

Glad to hear Alan Wake remastered was enjoyable. With the sequel being so well received, Iā€™d like to play through the first in the near future. Never had the chance but Iā€™m looking forward to it.

ā€œReason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.ā€ C.S. Lewis


@Jimmer-jammer I look forward to it soon, my wife was unusually taken by the trailer so itā€™s always nice to have something lined up we can both enjoy.

I highly recommend AW, it has held up surprisingly well, Remedy really are great at what they do. It definitely brings the weird. Let us know how you find it when you get to it šŸ‘


@AgentCooper Will do, thanks!

ā€œReason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.ā€ C.S. Lewis


@nessisonett Excellent, real glad you enjoyed Gotham Knights so much! Those last couple of story missions really hit home. I keep meaning to look up all the possible variations; I think it's pretty locked, but I can't see the other Knights reacting in the same way Tim does, so...? I'd mix it up myself, but reckon I'd miss "my" ending too much! And you're right, it's a testament to the writers' creativity that the story still works without Jason at its core, given how it should be all about him. I know it's unlikely, but I'd love to see where a sequel might go. Perhaps they'll do a follow-up comic someday.

Oh yeah, and those credits are awesome! Was a very pleasant surprise!

Best of luck with the Heroic Assault DLC. It's a slog to complete if you're playing solo, but you should be able to find some helpful randoms, especially with the game being on PS Plus now.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger Itā€™s a shame that a sequelā€™s unlikely, I think it could improve massively while staying to the originalā€™s design philosophy. Even just a Nightwing game set in BlĆ¼dhaven would be cool!

Plumbingā€™s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett Agreed. Seems like WB Games are going in... let's just say, "a different direction" but it's still a shame, because it doesn't even look like we'll be getting the heavily-rumoured Case File DLC at this point (which was supposed to add Harvey Two-Face as a fourth optional villain). Might have to wait until the next loop of the "actually, story-driven single player games are what people want" corporate cycle. Oh well.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987

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