
Topic: Gaming Tat (...Return of the Tat!)

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@AgentCooper Noice! I keeping meaning to get some, but it always skips my mind. I do want to get a few though, as I may be going to an event later in year and it could be cool to have them on something like a baseball cap or rucksack.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder I’d advise jumping on it sooner rather than later, Insert Coin always seem to have built in scarcity on pretty much everything except N7 flip flops 😂 love the build quality of their products though, I’ve had a peace walker cap for over 10 years and despite bit of general wear to the colour in places and wearing it practically everyday still looks and functions great.

Edited on by AgentCooper


I got that recently, for a knock-down price on ebay. Witcher 3 figure in the post now too, bearing in mind it may get lost in transit, rare I know, but does happen.

@nessisonett @JohnnyShoulder I thought the former might interest you.

Edited on by TheBrandedSwordsman

"Man is the pie that bakes and eats himself, and the recipe is separation."

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


Soul Hackers 2 arrived last night and it came with the art cards which was nice.

Not sure if they were a limited print/first edition run sorta thing but... Soul Hackers 2 didn't exactly sell all that well so... You can probably still get them.

Some tat is better then no tat right?




Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy
Currently playing: Persona 4 Golden & A Hat In Time (PS4)


HallowMoonshadow wrote:

Some tat is better then no tat right?

I have an overstuffed cupboard that might disagree...

These do look cool, though! Reminds me that I got similar art cards with Forspoken. I also got the prequel comic and a Spider-Bot keychain with my Spider-Man 2 pre-order recently.

Although I'm kinda relieved that the ludicrous edition of Naruto X Boruto isn't an option for me!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


RogerRoger wrote:

I have an overstuffed cupboard that might disagree...

Well obviously your tat is telling you that you need a bigger cupboard Rog

You got Forspoken? Didn't know you were interested in it to be perfectly honest. Have you tried it yet?

And I can only imagine what kinda junk comes with Naruto X Boruto's ludicrous edition. I'm assuming some statue of the yellow haired mischief maker?

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy
Currently playing: Persona 4 Golden & A Hat In Time (PS4)


@HallowMoonshadow Yeah, I reckon I'm gonna listen to the cupboard, and not the tat...

Haven't tried Forspoken yet. Picked it up in a flash sale, but have been busy with other things. It's on my small pile of cheap "whenever I get around to them" PS5 games, between Immortals Fenyx Rising and Kao the Kangaroo. I'm looking forward to it, though. You interested in it, too?

There's actually two statues! One of Naruto and one of Sasuke. It's also got an individually-numbered artwork scroll, six collectible cards, a separate steelbook and a bunch of in-game outfits.

And it's nearly two hundred bucks, so... nope.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


Not in the slightest @RogerRoger. Well tell a lie I was interested back when it was first introduced as Project Athia or whatever it was called.

And then it got revealed with the whole other world aspect and... I unfortunately can't get over the character dialogue. Gameplay doesn't look all exciting either sadly.

I hope you enjoy it though!

Woof that sounds way too expensive for what it has. If there was/is a steelbook only option that might be nice. If you like those of course!

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy
Currently playing: Persona 4 Golden & A Hat In Time (PS4)


@HallowMoonshadow Fair enough! Like you, I was dazzled by it at first, then highly sceptical, and finally settled on ambivalence, but I found myself watching some footage a while back and figured it looked fun enough to try. Its critical mauling has made it perpetually cheap (even outside of that aforementioned flash sale) so I won't have lost much if I get an hour in and realise I've made a terrible mistake. Cheers!

Alas, there's no steelbook by itself (which is a shame, as I do have a couple other Naruto steelbooks, so I might've sprung for one). I should probably be waiting on reviews anyway, given that the game itself is reportedly a bit of a "greatest hits" release. Need to calm my inner fanboy!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987

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