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I'm putting in a vote for Humanity, but I might join in on Tchia just to see what it is about.



@Kidfried Ok 👌 I’ll add Humanity into rotation for July unless there is overwhelming support to bump it up? My worry is things become chaotic if new titles are introduced all the time, I don’t know, I’m still feeling it out with this. Incidentally I did start Humanity last night and it looks to be very addictive and satisfying. The soundtrack is immense also.


Good day to one and all, I hope everyone is having a great Sunday, It’s becoming increasingly hard to stay indoors playing video games. On this day in 1976 Martin Scorsese won the Palme d’Or for "Taxi Driver" at Cannes, which is nice and in 1431 Joan of Arc was accused of relapsing into heresy by donning male clothing again, providing justification for her execution so there’s some food for thought when you’re out sunbathing.

Anyway, I digress, if my maths are correct it looks like Tchia has won the vote this month and will be our inaugural Game Club game. The game was a day one release on PS Plus Extra so hopefully most of you have access to it. Feel free to download anytime this week and make a start

Here’s a few bits of information on the game courtesy of HLTB. The game seems fairly short so should be able to fit in comfortably over the course of the month.


A Tropical Open-World adventure. Climb, glide, swim, and sail your boat around a beautiful archipelago in this physics-driven sandbox. Use Tchia's special ability to take control of any animal or object you can find, and Jam on your fully playable Ukulele. A game inspired by New Caledonia.

Main Story: 7 Hrs | Main + Sides: 12 1/2 | Completionist: 22 Hrs | All Styles: 13 1/2 Hrs

@Pizzamorg @Mr_B021 @QualityGeezer @KilloWertz @Th3solution @Ryne-Gaia @crimsontadpoles @RogerRoger @Hallowmoonshadow @R1spam @CaptD @Th3solution @ralphdibny @LobsterJohnson

As always, if your name isn’t here and you want to be added, please let me know!

Happy Gaming All!

Edited on by AgentCooper


@AgentCooper Already installed and ready to go. This weather is relentless, bring back winter 😭



Great stuff @AgentCooper will install later.
Everyone else please provide your psn Id to shareplay and obtain "flawless Ukulele playing" trophy for me.
I jest of course*

*Not really.



@get2sammyb @LiamCroft Good Morning! I hope you’re both well? If it isn’t too forward of me, would it be possible to get a wee bump article on the main page to draw attention to our resurrected club pretty please? You are the best either way, thanks gang, have a great bank holiday 👍

Edited on by AgentCooper


@AgentCooper I am definitely joining, but I'm going to try and beat The Messenger before I start!

(What's the deadline?)

Edited on by Kidfried



AgentCooper wrote:

On this day in 1976 Martin Scorsese won the Palme d’Or for "Taxi Driver" at Cannes, which is nice and in 1431 Joan of Arc was accused of relapsing into heresy by donning male clothing again, providing justification for her execution so there’s some food for thought when you’re out sunbathing.

That alone is worth being part of the club, even if I'm unable to participate with the actual game!

Hope y'all enjoy Tchia, and looking forward to reading the discussion!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


If you want to avoid spoilers then when on game selection screen don't press down on the dpad as the very first video on the "latest videos captured on PlayStation" is the ending of the game with the caption spoiling everything (your region may alter selection).
And yes I do have "spoiler warnings" switched on.



Downloading it now. Pretty cool honestly, not sure I would have ever touched this without this club, and that is really what the club is all about right?

How does the format work from here, do I just post in here whenever I have something to say about the game, or are we just taking notes and then all dropping our reviews or whatever the equivalent is at some pre destined time?

I will never emotionally recover from Phantom Liberty.


I know the game has I think 10 chapters. We could all try to beat more or less 3 chapters a week, so we're at least somewhat in sync. And whenever we post something in spoilers, we could mention how far we're in the game (chapter wise), so everyone knows when to read what.

I won't be starting until tomorrow, but I'm super interested. It's a game that doesn't really look like my cup of tea. It reminds me a bit of Rime and Concrete Genie. Those games looked really nice, but gameplay wise weren't engaging in the way I like. That might be an extremely unfair comparis, though, because I really don't know that much about Tchia. So I'm very much open to shatter my own prejudices!



I intend to start tomorrow, my sister got married yesterday so currently trying to sit off a champagne fuelled hangover unsuccessfully



Has anyone found out how to deal with the statues? I might be having a dumb moment but just can't seem to figure out how to destroy them and wanted to avoid good old Google!

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82


@R1spam You have to have a certain power. I don't know if you have it already, but you'll know what I mean when you have it. Then you need to use that ability in combination with a fiery or explosive item!



Any strong first impressions? I haven’t started the game just yet, and it’ll probably not until this weekend until I get a chance, but I’m very curious.

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


Forum Megapoll 2020 - Best Video Game Box Art: Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Special Edition

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