
Topic: Spider Man

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I have never played a spider man game but having read threads about the new version and having watched the review below i am definitely interested, would fans recommend playing the remastered version before Spider-Man 2?



@Max_Headroom yeah I’d play the remastered original and Miles Morales tbh.



@Max_Headroom Spider-Man: Miles Morales- Ultimate Edition (PS5) includes Spider-Man: Remastered. Just make sure it’s a new copy as I think it’s a download code.

It’s also available standalone from the PS Store & I think it’s currently on sale.

Edited on by Fight_Teza_Fight

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Thanks FTF

£70 is a bit much for a game type i haven't played before i will keep looking for a PS5 remastered version but with go PS4 if i cannot find one.

Edited on by Max_Headroom



A bit of searching and it looks like the remastered version is download only you can get it for £50 at PS but i may as well bite the bullet and get both for £70, do you know roughly how long the game takes to download i have a 60Mbps connection.



Watched the first Tobey Maguire Spider-man last night and you know for being made when it was it not a bad movie. Granted the Tom Holland ones are better then the Sam Raimi ones but they are still good. Still like Willem Dafoe's performance as Green Goblin.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


@Tasuki "

Tasuki wrote:

Granted the Tom Holland ones are better then the Sam Raimi ones...

Edited on by LN78



@Max_Headroom So yeah I could definitely recommend to play the game asap basically. I think its really great game for spider-man fans. I have been thinking very much about replying the game myself now before the sequel arrives. Although Iam not sure it will happen as I have completed the game *once.

Edited on by oliverp



Iam not sure if only me who think its a little strange that we have not seen more from the sequel. Not sure why Insomniac have not shown more from the game as it is only about a month until lunch now.



@oliverp I'm pretty sure I've heard more people wanting to hear more about Spider-Man 2. Me. I don't think there is much more to the game than already revealed (aside from actual spoilers).

I expect some more trailers in the upcoming weeks, but I don't think there's anything that they still need to show. I kind of already know it's a game that I want to play, but isn't trying to reinvent the wheel compared to the previous games.



@Kidfried Yeah guess you can say its a pretty good thing that Insomniac have not given out much information about the game as I mean it surely will be many things to discover when people get their hand on the game. I mean Iam still so impressed by how much content there was in the first game. Also if I remembered correctly not much content was given out about that game either so I guess you can say that Insomniac have a very strong track record of not reveling to much information or show to many trailers of their upcoming games which btw feels very much true for many publishers today .

Edited on by oliverp



@oliverp They did put out a lot more for the latest Ratchet & Clank if I remember correctly. So I get your argument that it's definitely on the "light" side with Spider-Man 2. I think so far it had been a good thing, but time will tell of course!
Are you thinking of buying it on release?



@kidfried While Iam not 100% certain Iam very much leaning towards it becuse yeah I have for some odd reson become super excited about the game as of late so it would be very nice to have it in my game libery at some point in a not to distant future. As I have stated before I was very impressed by the first game in the franschise so it would be nice to get my hand on this game as well.

Edited on by oliverp



@oliverp I'll definitely get the game within the next year or so. The previous game was a very comfy experience, and a nice game to play on my own after a day of work. I might play this before God of War: Ragnarok even!



@kidfried Yeah I personally felt a litle bit absurb about the first game when I played it about a year ago. Such nice cool and unspolied experience.



So its just a month left now until the release. It will be interesting to see how well the game will be received hehe.

Edited on by oliverp



I played a couple of hours of Spider-Man 2, plan to put more time into it over the weekend. Kind of mixed first impressions for me.

Feels very Sony game for good and for ill. It launches you into a chain of massive, set pieces that are all very shallow mechanically, but have a huge wow factor when it comes to the spectacle interspersed with quieter character moments in a rhythm that is sorta feeling stale to me now, because Sony does this for almost every one of their first party games.

Visually it is a real mixed bag, some things like the raytraced reflections and the details on the suits look incredible, there'll also be establishing shots were the game looks like a photo. But a lot of the game looks really flat and lacking in detail. I guess because you are supposed to be moving at speed, but even in locations where the game stands still, there is just this lifelessness to it. Some of the character models are awful, too.

I am also going to need some time to really get used to the controls. I can't work out if its me, or if the controls are over designed, but pretty much everything from web swinging to combat, it all looks great - especially the finishers and special moves - but I don't feel like I have any grip on anything and am just sorta frantically mashing as I try and remember where everything is. It looks spectacular whatever I am doing, but I'd like to feel in control, which right now I don't really.

I will never emotionally recover from Phantom Liberty.


I forgot i had posted this, i decided to watch a couple of videos on YouTube that show and explain the plot of the first two games so you can get straight into the new one obviously spending time playing the first two would have been better but its a lot of hours gameplay and i imagine by the time i had finished the first two i wouldn't have the buzz everyone here has about playing the new game.

Edited on by Max_Headroom


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