
Topic: Spider Man

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@Max_Headroom Or maybe they just finished the game already and wanted the trade in?

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@Max_Headroom i needed a reason to finally use my ps5 again so i ain’t bothered by it , whatever reasons they have all i know is there’s no where else to play a high quality spider-man game (until it comes to PC 😏)



so i unlocked several suits but, let me guess, they saved the sam raimi suit for last ? i can’t blame them , gotta save the greatest of all time for last



Th3solution wrote:

And I also really like hearing the praise for the haptics. A lot of games recently have neglected some of the DualSense capabilities.

Yeah, the game's implementation of the DualSense across the entire board has been one of the best surprises of the whole thing for me. You know I usually deactivate adaptive triggers whenever possible, but I've even left them on, too. There are some funky motion control moments that remind me of when early PS3 games used to use the SIXAXIS for the most mundane nonsense, just to shoehorn in the tech (of course, the difference here is that they A: make sense, B: actually work, and C: have alternate button inputs).


@LtSarge I'm really glad the game finally got under your skin, after such a rough start. Knowing what you've got coming, I'm sure it'll only get better and better, the more you play!


nomither6 wrote:

so i unlocked several suits but, let me guess, they saved the sam raimi suit for last ? i can’t blame them , gotta save the greatest of all time for last

Want an actual answer, or are you happy to wait and see if you're right?

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@nomither6 You get access to it midway down the list, after you hit XP Level 32. There are eleven more suits for Pete to unlock afterwards (not counting the DLC suits).

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger the disrespect! 😂 it should’ve been one of the last to unlock for new game plus imo, but it also makes sense for players to get it midway through the initial playthrough as well so that we can enjoy the suit & the story .



Was kinda surprised to see that when you get the Black Suit, you can still equip other suits. I left it on because it disconnected me from the story to be running around as Spider Noir or whatever. Its weird because the mission you get the suit they lock you into a specific suit beforehand, so I dunno why that didn't remain in place until things were resolved.

Also on a related note to that mission, props to them not just removing the MJ missions but instead just actually making them fun to play. Shame we still have a bunch of boring minigames and other crappy stealth missions with the Spider-Bot stuff, but we are on the right track now at least.

I will never emotionally recover from Phantom Liberty.


@Pizzamorg they should’ve removed mj segments entirely they were never fun to like 99% of people



nomither6 wrote:

@Pizzamorg they should’ve removed mj segments entirely they were never fun to like 99% of people

I hated them in the first game too, as I do the Spider-Bot missions, but now MJ can fight and has a weapon, it's actually fun. Even if it's some serious narrative dissonance seeing how strong she is.

I will never emotionally recover from Phantom Liberty.


I am loading the game as i type this.



@nomither6 But shes so powerful.. Enemies dont hear her, barely see her, and her stun gun is more powerful than a Venom Punch... LMAO!

I'm 50% done and i dont want to finish because then i'll just be bored.



Max_Headroom wrote:

I am loading the game as i type this.

I see what people mean about the the amount of button combos to learn but so far so good.

Edited on by Max_Headroom



Pizzamorg wrote:

Was kinda surprised to see that when you get the Black Suit, you can still equip other suits. I left it on because it disconnected me from the story to be running around as Spider Noir or whatever. Its weird because the mission you get the suit they lock you into a specific suit beforehand, so I dunno why that didn't remain in place until things were resolved.

That caught me out a couple times, too. Mostly because you automatically equip any suit you unlock (and same when you unlock its colourways) so I'd be happily expanding my wardrobe thinking "these'll look cool later" and then return to gameplay wearing something wholly inappropriate!

Also, as somebody who always enjoyed the MJ / Miles stealth missions (they were well-placed throughout the first game's story, providing nice little breathers) I still totally approve of their upgrades here. There is a late-game one that feels a teensy bit janky, but in an entertaining way. Then again, I also love the Spider-Bot missions. They're cute, and the haptic feedback really shines.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


Personally, forced insta fail stealth sections in games that are not stealth games might be one of the things I hate in gaming the most. Especially in a Spider-Man game. Sneaking around as MJ and getting frustrated is not what I signed up for at all. But in 2, while narratively its complete nonsense, MJ's stealth section (or at least that first one I played) was really just more action and I feel like this was the best outcome here aside from just straight removing them. Like I say, I personally don't like the Spider-Bot sections for most of the same reasoning, but I guess at least they fit more in a Spider-Man game than the stealth did in the first one. I also liked the haptics for these.

Talking of suits, I also had this happen during the carnival section: no clue if this is a bug or not, it vanished in the next cutscene but remained for the fight. Scarlett Cowboy.

I will never emotionally recover from Phantom Liberty.


@Pizzamorg I understand your perspective on the stealth sections, for sure. Especially since they switch to another character, whereas the Spider-Bot missions represent a broader range of activity for Spidey, a.k.a. the hero(es) on the front of the box. He doesn't just punch, swing and wall-crawl all the time!

I think it's where the lines between "game" and "interactive movie" get blurred for me. I paid full price to be told a great story, and every switch in perspective has always served that goal first and foremost, so I've respected it. The fact that the whole thing's a game is entirely secondary, and if the gameplay has to take a hit in service of telling a better story, then so be it. But again, that's just me.

Oh yeah, I saw that carnival bug happen to somebody else! Didn't happen to me. Might depend on what suit you're wearing. Seems to stick on anything except the default (Advanced Suit 2.0).

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


I can agree with that @RogerRoger - I think they should have just been cutscenes. Or been optional and played out like cutscenes if you chose to skip them.

I will never emotionally recover from Phantom Liberty.


@Pizzamorg Yeah, I'd support that option, too. Definitely keep the gameplay for folks who like it, but I've seen other games implement skippable sections before. Maybe something for the third game!


Forgot to post this earlier, but...


It's amazing what you can get done when you ignore Photo Mode.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger Ignored Photo Mode? Are you feeling ok? Does somebody need to call a doctor?

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@RogerRoger Nicely done. But I think I will be waiting until a discount before I will get the game (If I manage to wait so long).

Edited on by oliverp


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