
Topic: Spider Man

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Kidfried wrote:

@Pizzamorg Have you played the first game?

And Miles too. I was in the process of playing the remastered version of the first one on PS5 but this year has been crazy so I got pulled away by other games. At least I remembered most of what happened in the original.

I will never emotionally recover from Phantom Liberty.


Wow this has to be the most unpolished Insomniac game I've ever played. As soon as I was done with the first boss fight, I tried to do the L2 + R2 slingshot and it wouldn't work. The game glitched out, so I had to restart to the latest checkpoint. Then I got to the point with the crystals and pressing L2 + R2 wouldn't work either. I checked online and other people couldn't break the crystal either. Apparently if you turn off QTEs then the game will break the crystal for you, but if that option wasn't available I wouldn't have been able to progress with the game.

I was also watching a Youtuber who got a glitch where Peter wouldn't throw the water tower during the first boss fight. What the hell is up with this game? I paid €80 for this game and there are already so many glitches during the first hour!

Edited on by LtSarge



Supposedly there's a manufacturing fault on some discs that's causing installation to freeze at 37% or thereabouts. Anybody having this issue?



"Wow this has to be the most unpolished Insomniac game I've ever played"

One reason i dont buy new releases on the day they are released is because i am a tight git the other is it would drive me mad if i paid £70 only to find the game unplayable, i guess they will patch it and everything will be fine only then will i buy if the price is right.

Edited on by Max_Headroom



@Max_Headroom The thing is though that this is a first-party PlayStation game. You always expect the highest quality from Sony's studios and they always deliver. This is the first time I've been severely disappointed by a PlayStation game at launch.

There are also other problems I have with this game. The major issue is that it tries to teach you too many things at once. This is also an issue I had with God of War: Ragnarok. The games try to teach you so many different moves that I feel like I'm back in school all over again as I'm making an effort trying to remember everything. If you hold R1 + Triangle you can do this move, then if you yank enemies with Triangle and then hold Square to lift them up in the air you can yank them down from the air with Triangle. You can also use L1 + Circle for this move, and also L1 to parry, and L1 + X to throw Spider-Man in a slingshot fashion. I mean Jesus Christ, why are they dumping so much new stuff at you at once? I'm just trying to relax and have a good time. I don't want to remember a billion different moves! At least drip-feed them to me throughout the game.

I'm just hoping my experience improves soon because the game started out so well and then it went downhill so fast. I am tempted to wait for potential patches but I've already waited so long for this game that I just want to keep playing it. If it continues to glitch out then I'll probably put it on hold.



It will be interesting to see if the glitches effect everyone I am surprised there are not more posts about this here.

I will ask the following question to see if it's common.

How many forum members have the game and are or are not experiencing the same problems?

Edited on by Max_Headroom



I'm five hours in. Physical copy, no install problems, no major glitches to speak of (yet). I hate that we have to say this nowadays but, for a new game at launch, it's remarkably stable.

Hasn't been 100% perfect, though. The splash / wake textures used around boats on the East River got a bit glitchy for a while, but then fixed themselves whilst I wasn't looking. I've seen a few NPCs pulling funky poses in the background. A couple of enemies have gotten caught on scenery and, at one point during a random street crime, the other Spider-Man who was supposed to be helping me just juddered off for a few seconds before teleporting back to his prompt. And speaking of prompts, some HUD command prompts have disappeared on me, as though I've deactivated them (which I haven't). During a linear story mission, I had to open a door to trigger the next cutscene, but the Triangle prompt wasn't there; thankfully, when I approached the door and tried pressing Triangle anyway, it worked fine. I also had NYC's ambient noise go mute on me after making a manual save. Everything except my footsteps, my webs, and a passing helicopter fell silent. Was quite eerie!

These are all very minor (and in some cases, unintentionally comedic). Nothing's blocked progression, and everything else has been sublime. I've made a few errors of my own, of course. The new traversal physics are almost too fast in places, so I've overshot a lot of marks or accidentally flung myself a couple blocks away mid-brawl, or gotten the camera confused whilst trying to scale a particular building for a specific objective. It very much assumes you've played the previous games, and layers its new mechanics atop a base level of familiarity that, frankly, even a veteran like me can't always recall. There's a lot to take in.

The story's incredible. Now that Pete's playable again, I was worried Miles would get sidelined, but everything feels perfectly balanced, and both Spider-Men are true dual protagonists (at least to begin with; I think I'm about a quarter of the way through the core story, maybe a smidge less). Some of the writing in the side quests comes across a little stilted and obligatory, but at least the individual premises are distinct from one another, and help the gameplay stay varied from waypoint to waypoint.

Oh, and top marks for the 3D audio. And the haptic feedback. It's all very immersive!


@LtSarge I'm sorry to see you've suffered some pretty serious glitches. Am guessing you've already rebooted your console, etc. so I hope you're over the worst of it, and that the rest of the game stays stable for you. Failing that, I'm sure there'll be an appropriate patch before too long. I'd imagine Insomniac (and Sony) will want to fix any common progression blockers pretty quickly.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
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@RogerRoger Great to hear you’re not have any major problems. When I read the reports of major issues I got a little worried.

And I also really like hearing the praise for the haptics. A lot of games recently have neglected some of the DualSense capabilities.

I look forward to playing it. It’s just a matter of when.

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


Forum Megapoll 2020 - Best Video Game Box Art: Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Special Edition


Thankfully no install problems or game breaking bugs here so far, but I have had more visual bugs than I expected.

I also fully agree with the tutorialisation, it does get better over time as you start to get a better grasp on things, but I also think the controls are so overdesigned there is always going to be a messiness to combat as you forget what certain combinations or holds of buttons do, and I am sure by the time I find a healthy rhythm for how I tackle combat I would have forgotten about more moves than I am currently using.

I am sure the sheer level of complexity to it all is great for those who really want to master the system, but I kinda wish there was like a simplified controls thing in the accessibility menu. I think there is auto combo, but I don't want the combat automated for me, I just kinda wanna disable certain moves so if I hold a button by accident I don't do something entirely different to what I intended to do, turning my combat into a slop bowl.

Happens with traversal too, can't tell you the amount of times an unintended button hold is the difference between landing where I wanted to land and firing myself like forty miles away from where I intended to go. And I get it skill issue etc but I can't think of another game that makes every button do so much work like this and in such a detrimental way.

I will never emotionally recover from Phantom Liberty.


A quick heads up, I thought the game was going to be £70 but have found it at Argos for £61.99.

Has anyone found it cheaper?


Edited on by Max_Headroom



@Max_Headroom There are a few sites selling it for £59.99 so you're only talking about a couple of quid here or there.



LN78 wrote:

@Max_Headroom There are a few sites selling it for £59.99 so you're only talking about a couple of quid here or there.

A £10 saving is good but I assume they'll charge for postage.



@Max_Headroom Not sure but then it's a couple of quid. Who cares?
PS Just had a look and there are quite a few "new and sealed" listings for £60 delivered on eBay.

Edited on by LN78



So I'm 10 hours into the game and it's a solid experience now. I was very unfortunate with my first hour, but the rest have been great. The story is compelling, the combat is so much fun and much more varied than in the first game, there are tons of great characters and the side content is more appealing as well as in moderate amounts compared to the first game. Not to mention that switching between Peter and Miles is fluid and doesn't ruin the pacing of the game at all. Also, the introduction of the web line has made stealth much easier in this game. Traversal is also much easier with the web wings.

I thought the first game was rather mediocre due to the lack of variety with the combat. Having now four different powers mapped to the L1 button and four different gadgets to the R1 button add so much more depth to the combat. On top of the upgrades, such as increased damage in air combat, which incentivises me to constantly throw enemies in the air and fight them there.

All in all, this is how a sequel should be. It improves upon the first game in every aspect, from the story to the combat to the open world, it's just amazing (pun intended).



Yeah the webline and the wingsuit are interesting, because they both seem like quite minor things in isolation, but they now just feel like such a natural part of the gameplay flow, I think it is going to be tough to replay the other games again without them.

I will never emotionally recover from Phantom Liberty.


the combat is crazy & definitely the highlight imo, i love it. but is it better than arkham knights though?? ehh, id say its a tie now, they both have their strengths . spidermans flashiness is always a spectacle.



Regarding the bugs and glitches, I was surprised to not see more talk about this. Admittedly, I didn't read much about the game so maybe it's been covered and I've missed it, but it seems like I'm only seeing talk about how buggy Spider-Man 2 is through Twitter etc.

For me, I only had one crash. But I had loads of other issues. Conversations being unclickable so I couldn't continue quests, items floating in mid-air, people flying or disappearing or generally being weird, Peter's hair disappeared at one point, and many, many more. I bet I didn't go an hour without some sort of bizarre technical hiccup.

Anyway, it didn't bother me so much. I beat the game and nearly got the platinum and yeah, it's messy, but it's the good kinda messy.




A weird consistent bug I have is subtitles being mistimed and out of order. As someone who needs subtitles to follow dialogue in games, this really kinda trips me up because the subtitles on screen are for three sentences away, or just mistimed so it all becomes jumbled. For a game with such an extensive suite of accessibility options, it is weird this has gone so wrong. I am not sure I have experienced anything quite like this in another game.

I will never emotionally recover from Phantom Liberty.


LtSarge wrote:

So I'm 10 hours into the game and it's a solid experience now. <snip>

Thanks for posting i can see me breaking my tightwad rule on not buying full priced games, this sounds amazing.

Edited on by Max_Headroom



Lots on sale already i guess some were not happy with it -

I can get £31 for Assassins Creed Mirage so £34 gets me SM2, happy days.


Edited on by Max_Headroom


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