
Topic: The Marvel Thread

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@colonelkilgore I see. Unfortunately there's no legit way to watch any of the D+ shows here in Poland so I guess I'll have to... work around it...



@Voltan well if they don't provide you with the option to watch legit... what do they expect people will do right 😎



Watched Shang-Chi seeing as it’s now on Disney+ in the IMAX format. I was planning to see it in the cinema but I just wasn’t up for it. I really enjoyed it, the best origin story for a good long while. I do wish there was more of a focus on just him and his dad, rather than the more mystical side of things. It would have been just that bit more impactful. The fight choreography was very impressive though and Awkwafina stood out among the many ‘love interest characters’ that have been in the MCU in terms of agency.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


I just finished watching Shang Chi and it was bloody awesome! Brilliant cast in it, everyone did great acting! A lot of it was really cool and the guy who played the mandarin was awesome, as was awkwafina who I'd not really heard of before but now I'm listening to a song about her erm, I'm not even sure I'm allowed to say it on here, on youtube

See ya!


@nessisonett @ralphdibny nice, I’m glad you both enjoyed it… as I loved Shang Chi too. Felt like some crazy mix of Rush Hour, House of Flying Daggers and Raya the last Dragon (of which I liked all three… but liked Shang Chi more.

If it’s ‘free’ on Disney+ now (well, no additional premium) I might watch it again today 👍



@colonelkilgore I watched all the rush hour films again a few weeks ago, so funny! I love Jackie Chan's accidental bad ass fighting style

I just watched the marvel Disney+ sizzle reel. Lots to be excited for, some things less so. I can't say I was so much of a fan of Agatha Harkness that I want to watch a whole series about her😅. It wasn't in the reel but im not very excited for The Eternals either as the adverts look a bit rubbish.

I'm glad Shang Chi was great after Black Widow was a bit of a let down for me. Hawkeye, She Hulk and Ms Marvel should be awesome though. I'm very excited for Hawkeye later this year!

On an unrelated note, too many great characters played by great actors die in the MCU and it makes me sad. I wish some of these bods would stick around for longer!

See ya!


@ralphdibny no one ever truly dies in the comic books… I’d imagine that similar ‘work-arounds’ could and will be used in the MCU to ‘jump-the-shark’ every now and then 😉’



I'm watching What if...? (ep. 3 right now) and it's pretty good. I like that they got a lot of the same actors to do VA.



The missus and I are gonna have a minor Phase 4-a-thon now that Shang Chi has been added to D+. Gonna watch that and Black Widow again.



@colonelkilgore haha I remember when the phrase was no one ever dies in comics except Bucky, Jason Todd and Uncle Ben. Well 2 out of 3 ain't bad 😅

See ya!


I really liked the way the rings worked in Shang Chi, they are a really cool weapon. Sort of similar to other things but still quite unique

See ya!


I finished What If…? just now.
Pretty good piece of animated TV in general and I guess the ending of the final episode does affect the MCU in a pretty significant way.



The Eternals was alright. Better than I expected, but I had little expectations.



@Octane Watched Shang Chi this afternoon and it was great non-stop action and now I'm worried Eternals will be a snooze. Another 9 days until then, maybe I should watch 1 of the Fantastic 4 movies again. 😂

Someday we'll find it
The rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me


@rjejr I personally enjoyed Eternals but it does seem to be very divisive. It's definitely a very different Marvel film... and some of the humour misses the mark on several occasions but I did find the celestial lore interesting.

I'd probably rank it in the lower half of MCU movies but above the really bad ones.



@colonelkilgore Thanks. I am looking forward to it and I think I'll enjoy it but there is a difference between an intellectual thoughtful film and an edge of your seat roller-coaster ride. I don't think I could have watched Eternals last night while the adrenaline was still pumping, but late on a Tuesday - my kid's bus from college gets in at 2AM so I'm seeing a late show - should be nice to just sit back and relax and listen and learn. I'm a big fan of a the Marvel space races from back in the 70s in the comics but I haven't read any of the new stuff. Anyway I think I'll enjoy it, but not expecting to be clamoring to watch it again. We'll see.

Someday we'll find it
The rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me


@Keith_Zissou You know, I probably would say it hit the right balance between showing too much and not enough. It was a pretty good teaser and the lack of other Spider-Men means either they’re in the movie or not at all, which is much better than just giving it away in the trailer.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Voltan wrote:

@Keith_Zissou I'm not watching it, for that exact reason.

What he said. And why I generally avoid trailers these days.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Watched Black Widow last month and it was alright, but felt like filler (I liked Alexei though & wish he finally got his big moment).

However I watched Shang Chi last Friday, and while not initially hyped for it, I thought it was a very fun watch.

I'm super hyped for No Way Home too. I can't remember the last time I've been this excited for a superhero movie.

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