
Topic: User Impressions/Reviews Thread

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@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Very nice review of Crash 1, Foxy. I found the background info an interesting touch. The game is not my cup o’ tea but I enjoyed reading your impressions.

@Ralizah Nicely done summarizing and critiquing Detroit. Good point about the missed opportunities thematically; I hadn’t thought much about that. I’m glad that the game was a pleasant surprise for you.

For me, even after playing Spiderman recently (and really liking it) and very much enjoying Shadow of the TR and Red Dead 2, it was probably my GOTY for 2018 (but I haven’t played GOW yet) for a lot of the reasons you outlined. Although not perfect, it was impactful and unique.

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


Forum Megapoll 2020 - Best Video Game Box Art: Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Special Edition


Thanks, both!

@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy I try to be as (constructively) critical as possible with the games I enjoy, but I really found it involving in a way that doesn't often happen with "movie games" like this. Low expectations going in might have helped, too.

Anyway, I had an involved discussion about it when I was playing it and soon after beating it, as you noted, and then went over a month without posting a review, so the confusion makes sense.

@Th3solution I actually haven't played God of War yet, either. I get the sneaking suspicion it'll go on sale for $10 before long, just like Horizon did, so I'm content waiting for it.

Last year... VC4 was my GOTY, for sure. I doubt that'll change, even after finally getting to GoW. Also, I played the Switch port of Ys VIII, and that was fantastic. I'm very, very tempted to repurchase it on PS4 for the improved performance and trophies.

I get the feeling I might as well skip previous QD games, because I feel like they'll only be disappointing in comparison to Detroit. Hopefully David Cage doubles down on the choose-your-own-adventure aspect of his games for whatever inevitable PS5 project he's working on.

Edited on by Ralizah

Nintendo Switch FC: SW-2726-5961-1794
Currently Playing: Gravity Rush Remastered (PS4)

PSN: Ralizah


@Ralizah I agree with your hesitation to go back to prior Quantic Dream games. Although both Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls are available free on PS Plus, so the investment is only time and energy. I liked Heavy Rain, but it is far inferior to Detroit. I keep saying I’m going to play Beyond TS but it’s buried deep in other backlog games.

I too hope Cage keeps going with the choice and consequence adventure story games. The outside investment of NetEase to financially support QD has potential to ruin the experimental and fresh nature of his development projects. I hope not, so I’ll be cautiously optimistic that they will let QD continue down this path. The power of the PS5 could really blow the top off the choose your own adventure genre.

Edited on by Th3solution

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


Forum Megapoll 2020 - Best Video Game Box Art: Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Special Edition


@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Most of those comments echo my own thoughts on the game. I think the first game is the hardest of the three but I like that there are no gimmicky levels but just good platforming other than hog riding or boulder levels.

There are some fiendish difficulty spikes though; getting the coloured gem on Slippery Slope was a real one (complete a difficult level getting every box and without dying). I didn't bother with the time trials at all either.

The bosses were mostly a pointless distraction as they offered very little and were pretty easy.

Did you play the Stormy Ascent level? It was free DLC originally but I think is paid now but is a level dropped from the original game for being too difficult. You will certainly need those 91 lives!



@Ralizah @Th3solution I wonder if QD will ever make a game for Switch, now that they have ended there exclusivity partnership with Sony? Some of the motion control stuff that didn't well on ps4 might be better suited on the Switch and the Joy-Cons.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Slippery slope is the level where you get the red gem @Thrillho Complete luck how I managed to get it first and only time this playthrough

And yeah I know all about Stormy Ascent... I lost 50 lives or so beating that when it originally released. Didn't bother with it this time around as I'd like to keep my sanity 😅

Apparently you could actually access it on the ps1 with one of those cheating devices as it was nearly complete... I just think you couldn't finish it

Haven't properly tried the dlc level for Crash 3 of Future Tense but... I'll get to that when I get around to the third!

Thank you very much @Th3solution! Been doing it in varying degrees for all my reviews... probably just the only time there was some interesting facts to go with it 😂

In fact there's a lot of neat info on Crash's background... Like how Crash became the first Western game to sell over 500,000 copies in Japan, that the levels had to be cut into 12 chunks for the team to test them out whilst still in development or how the first two test levels were actually dropped from the game because they were too open ended.

The fact that Universal interactive nearly got away with trying to erase Naughty Dog's involvement is quite shocking...

I quite enjoyed the Bridge levels @ralphdibny . Can't say I found them particularly trippy though!

Low expectations seem to help in a number of situations @Ralizah

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy
Currently playing: Persona 4 Golden & A Hat In Time (PS4)


@ralphdibny @Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy I remember one of the bridge levels in the original version had a bug/cheat where you could jump onto the rope part and then just run straight along that.

It seems it still works..

Edited on by Thrillho



@JohnnyShoulder I wouldn’t be surprised. Only I suspect if they follow their current trajectory then their next game will be even more complex and graphically advanced, which may outgrow the current gen capabilities.
I still have a feeling they are going to end up like Ninja Theory and their next game is going to be some random online game outside of their comfort zone, but we’ll see.

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


Forum Megapoll 2020 - Best Video Game Box Art: Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Special Edition


@JohnnyShoulder QD's games seem to push photo-realism pretty hard, so I'm not sure their games would be a good fit for the Switch.

Then again, if we Switch owners are demonstrating anything, it's that we'll buy pretty much anything for our little underpowered hybrid: even games that really don't belong on the platform and look terrible as a result!

Pity that their games are exclusive to the EGS on PC. Would have been cool to see Detroit on a powerful rig with settings maxed out.

@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy I'll echo our friend @Th3solution here and also say that the background/historical context in the review was a cool touch.

Edited on by Ralizah

Nintendo Switch FC: SW-2726-5961-1794
Currently Playing: Gravity Rush Remastered (PS4)

PSN: Ralizah


@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy @Ralizah Excellent reviews as always, folks. A pair of very enjoyable reads (about games I've actually played for once!) so thanks for sharing them.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


Sooooo seeing as Ralizah has labelled this for "impressions" as well I thought I'd put up some impressions here rather then put then put them in the PS4 games you're currently playing topic like I have been.

During the week alongside playing Crash I also played some Minecraft for the first time ever.

... I'm not quite sure I get it.

I built a castle like house out of wood on the ocean.


I even made it so I have a glass floor which has some water underneath in a spot of creativity and making it more asthetically pleasing.


I mined obviously too and got some Diamonds, Iron and coal and crafted a bunch of gear, successfully doing both parts of the title (I was playing survival on normal by the way)

But... I'm pretty much over it already lol

Maybe it doesn't help that I'm not terribly creative when it comes to stuff that isn't writing but I don't really see the point in playing it any more as there doesn't really seem to be... well... a point.

Minecraft's whole thing is just a make your own fun kinda deal... But considering I've already experienced all of what it seemingly has to offer in a few hours I'm pretty much done with it.

Dragon Quest Builders seems like a natural progression of this with the story and actual NPC's to go along with the crafing and building aspects.

Plus while I'm not that big of a fan of Akira Toriyama artwork... It fits better in the chibi-like style and the graphics as a whole in DQB look nicer too. There's something about Minecraft's visuals that are a bit too simplistic and lacking for my taste.

Plus the music was rather bland too.

Not sure if I'd pick up Minecraft again really.

However yesterday rather then start up Dark Souls II again like I was going to... I ended up playing two demos instead.

First up was The Missing: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories

There's some light puzzles... It also involves the main character having the ability to regrow her limbs/body & regenerate.

The demo isn't particularly good at giving any context as to why or how I'm doing any of this as you can only choose from 4 different chapters and as such won't show you the opening cutscene.

I assume someome is missing via the title and the fact Jackie can yell out "Emily where are you?" ... but still I have very little attachment as to why I should care.

Also if Emily IS missing... why am I unlocking random text messages from her like everything is hunky-dory?

Anyway I chose the graveyard level and after the first puzzle of knocking a lamp down to burn some vines (Using some rocks that I had to get from a bucket in a well)... the next involved having to run through a field of fire with Jackie VERY notably screaming in anguish.

Uncomfortable wasn't quite strong of a word as I winced through it.

A later puzzle involved having to get caught by some bladed spider like thing that caused only Jackie's head to remain to be able to go through a vent.

Like Hellblade and a number of Indie titles it seemingly revolves around the portrayal of a mental health condition (And by sheer chance I actually guessed the main twist of the game thanks to the pop up warning and the likes at the start)

Can't say I recommend it as I gave it up after ten minutes or so.

The demo really isn't the best the showcase at all though mind so maybe you'd appreciate it better

The other demo however was Zanki Zero: Last Beginning


I pretty much played it for five hours straight (til I got the thanks for playing message) yesterday so... I enjoyed it to say the least

It's by Spike Chunsoft which if I'm remembering correctly is the same company that does Zero Escape and Danganronpa.

It's a visual novel... and a first person dungeon crawler of all things.


The demo allows you to play the prologue and most (if not nearly all) of the first chapter as well so there's a decent amount of it you can try out.

There's 8 main characters:

  • Haruto Higurashi, whom is an editor at a publishing house
  • Zen Kubota, a rather carefree farmer
  • Minamo Setouchi, a Police officer
  • Yuma Mashiro, Her father runs the Mashiro corporation and is a billionaire
  • Ryo Mikajime, a "bondage artist" (Yeah I'm confused too.) He also does freelance photography
  • Rinko Susukino, a rather shy girl whom works at her parents flower shop
  • Mamoru Ichiyo, a bodybuilder and doctor.
  • Sachika Hirasaka, a sweet girl whom is missing an arm and leg.

Our cast waking up on a desert island and told that the world has ended with them being the only survivors of humanity

How are they told this?

By Sho and Mirai... Two cartoon characters (Mirai being a sheep and Sho being a ten year old with the lust of a 40 year old) on a Tv show called Extend TV that plays via a CRT tv that isn't even plugged in.

It's quite Japanese 😂

I know that's not entirely helpful but I'm sure you know what I mean by that.

The dungeon crawling is perhaps a touch on the basic side but the game allows you to chose from three difficulty levels via the extend machine on whether you just want to experience the story or go all out on managing stress, the party's bladders, health and all that.

Also there's an aging mechanic and the characters grow old and die with 14 days, and get reborn as they're all clones so the party's stats can vary depending on how old they are too.

There's a basic crafting system as well, a lot of ways to improve your home base and not to mention a whole bunch of skills for your eight person party to learn via levelling up.

The english voice acting is a bit on the minimal side but they all seem to put in a good performance.

Yuma's character is a bit steortypical though of the cast with nearly all her lines in the dungeons asking if something is edible (She's quite plush) and even introduces herself as the "Girl with the child bearing hips" that made me roll my eyes.

Seeing as the first chapter involves one of the cast and the sin of Sloth... I'm sure nothing is quite as it seems at all and I honestly don't quite trust any of the characters. There's a graphic bit of violence in the prologue and it starts with Haruto jumping off a building (nothing is shown mind) so just a heads up (the game also warns you of graphic material)

Sho and Mirai do give a bit of levity to events with humour (Whether it's dark comedy, a little perverted from Sho or just plain silly)

It's certainly something I'm going to keep my eye on for a good price as it was rather different.

Anyway back to doing last minute preperations and final checks over my lesson plans for work tomorrow and onwards so...


Edited on by HallowMoonshadow

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy
Currently playing: Persona 4 Golden & A Hat In Time (PS4)


Oh there probably is @Thrillho as I said it's more a case of a very poor demo (I think the demo only just appeared on the store too) that doesn't showcase what the game is about adequetely enough and rather then leaving me intrigued like Zanki Zero did I was just like "Ok whatever"

Jackie has incredibly flat voice acting too baring her screams of pain... Again it's pretty uncomfortable having to knowingly run into a fire or land on some barbed wire to use your leg as a make shift rock as well and just put me right off on wanting to play anymore

Edited on by HallowMoonshadow

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy
Currently playing: Persona 4 Golden & A Hat In Time (PS4)


@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy In the 2+ years of frequenting the Push Square forums nearly every day, I believe that may be the first time anyone has ever posted anything about Minecraft. 😂 Despite being the best selling game of all time, it seems no one actually plays it around here.
I have tried a version of it before and also found it rather dull. Not sure what all the fuss is about with that one. But like you, maybe I’m just not creative enough. [shrug]

Also good to hear that Zanki Zero was pretty interesting for you. I’ve been curious about it. It received rather mediocre critical reception, but having enjoyed the other Spike Chunsoft games, I might try it at some point. I remember seeing it on sale off and on and it’s actually on sale right now on the US PSN store for $30.

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


Forum Megapoll 2020 - Best Video Game Box Art: Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Special Edition


@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Back in the day, when it wasn't quite as generally accepted to be into computer games, one thing you'd often hear people say about our hobby was "but what's the point? I just don't get it" I swore I'd never become like that, and whatever crazy games came out in the future, I'd approach them with an open mind. Then I played Minecraft for the first time.

I was playing it with my son going "but what do you actually DO?" and I realised I sounded just like my granddad. Once I realised that it was kind of the modern equivalent of having a tub of Lego with no instructions, I enjoyed it a lot more. Ironically, I think I'd have loved when I was ten years old.

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


I was actually playing it with my daughter @Gremio108! (It's how I was able to play it in the first place as it's hers)

I should probably give the creative mode a whirl... that'll not be as tiresome and really be like playing with virtual lego

Gremio108 wrote:

I was playing it with my son going "but what do you actually DO?" and I realised I sounded just like my granddad.

My mom still says that to me... Though give that 64 year old a controller and she'll smash some skulls in Mortal Kombat like she was born to do it 😅

S'not a bad price at all @Th3solution if it's usually 60... Plus you can always try the demo to gauge how much you're willing to pay for it

Edited on by HallowMoonshadow

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy
Currently playing: Persona 4 Golden & A Hat In Time (PS4)


@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy The creative mode definitely gives you more time to think, and build. And if you set it to Peaceful difficulty, there are no enemies, and therefore no chance of a creeper blowing up your creation. It almost broke me when my pathetic little 'farm' went up in smoke.

I was playing Rocket League with my dad and my kids a while ago. That was pretty cool. Three generations of us, all being equally rubbish.

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


@Gremio108 @Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy I will say that despite the lack of any proper narrative, its tremendously monotonous gameplay loop, and its 30 year old looking graphics - that Minecraft is an interesting sociological experiment. How long does it take before a little brother places a volcanic lava flow next to your immaculately crafted home that took you hours to build? It turns out it’s the same amount of time it would take for him to kick and destroy your LEGO creation. Go figure.

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


Forum Megapoll 2020 - Best Video Game Box Art: Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Special Edition


Th3solution wrote:

How long does it take before a little brother places a volcanic lava flow next to your immaculately crafted home that took you hours to build?

I was an only child @Th3solution ... And my children are quite well raised too. It's a shame if that actually happened to you though!

Oh my dad would've loved the advancements in games the past 6 years @Gremio108 ... His mind would've been blown at something like Horizon, or Resident Evil 7/2 Remake

-Edit- Probably starting to get a bit off topic now though

Edited on by HallowMoonshadow

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy
Currently playing: Persona 4 Golden & A Hat In Time (PS4)


@Th3solution I've seen my home succumb to the dreaded lava flow. Sad times. My kids find endless hilarity in destroying my terrible creations. One time, they proudly informed me that they'd built me a house. I joined their game to find it was made from TNT blocks.

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy

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