
Topic: What (Non-PS4) game are you playing??

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@nessisonett @LtSarge No kidding! Pretty much everything made for the PS3 up until just before Uncharted 2 came out was a bit of an afterthought. Shoddy ports, people saying Sony should've given up (thanks Lord Gaben!) and so on. Imagine Naughty Dog being the guys who basically turned the entire platform's fortunes around!



Playing through Dead Space (2023) is just pure bliss for me. I already thought the original was exceptional and the remake is so much better. Improved graphics, better atmosphere, more side content, it's just a fantastic experience altogether. Not to mention that I absolutely love horror games with a fun gameplay loop. This series along with Resident Evil are my favourite horror franchises. They're scary and they're fun to play, it's just horror perfection.


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